
Have you used the converter kit to use hydrogen and get 35% better gas mileage?

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Friend has a Dodge truck with the 5.0 or bigger engine and put it on for $250 he got 14 miles per gallon and now 21. He said one fellow had a forerunner and went from 22 to 44 MPG. i looked at the site water4gas and it just takes the hydrogen out of the air and kicks into the engine. Another friend said they used the same thing durinng WWII on the airplanes. Wondering if anyone esle has used it. Lot cheaper than the gas convertion. He siad it saves 35%.




  1. They don't work, it's as simple as that.

    "Another friend said they used the same thing durinng WWII on the airplanes."

    Water injection (actually a mixture of water and methanol) was used to cool the charge to allow it to burn more fuel without knocking or overheating the engine for increased power during critical stages of flight (like take-off with a heavy load), all it did was provide extra power at higher fuel burn.

    Injecting hydrogen into an engine not designed to cope with it isn't something a sane person would do anyway (unless they really needed the engine running and had no other fuel).

  2. you can buy these pretty cheap on E bay, But there are too many false claims to make them believable.

  3. Sounds good to me, where is the info on it, and where do you purchase them, I will try anything, I have a big suv. Yukon I do not drive it but maybe once a week, so saving gas could mean I could go places more ofter!! I am doing my part to try and conserve!! Thank you for the info!! great question!!!! 100 points for you!!! as is water4gas the only info site!!!

  4. The theory behind hho is that because hydrogen is the fastest burning gas around(were as gasoline burns up very slowly), it will help spread the flame to all the gasoline droplet that were sprayed in the cylinder, thus helping you burn your gas more completely. it also cleans out the engine and increases the power, because it helps spread the flame so well. I guess you could compare it to the Bosch four wire spark plugs that are always being advertised with the pictures of cylinders split open(so you can see)with regular plugs on one side of the ad not spreading the flame very well and then in the other picture the bosh plugs spreading the flame much further. My Dad and I put a pretty nice 2 liter per minute(which is ALOT for these units) on his '03 silverado 4.8L v8 Auto, we noticed it ran alot smooth and definitely had more power. I put a torch in the hho tank to see how well it burned and it sounded like a gunshot went off even without any compression.(this stuff explodes!! fast) There was no gain in mpg it stayed around 18 city 21hwy(Chevy's are amazing on mpg to begin with). The hho dealer said that it was because the o2 sensors were sensing the oxygen in the hho and making it run richer. so we put on the o2 sensor extenders that they all sell and it didn't help, then we bought the rheostat that you hook to the map sensors so you can trick the computer into running lean, but turns out that the new vortec engines don't use voltage to tell the computer information, but frequency. so now we're stuck. I do believe that this would work on an older carborated or diesel engine without all the electronics. We are going to try to install it on another car and see if it works better. I would not recomend this to anyone with fuel injected engines.

    The unit we got is from ken smith at and no we didn't pay $400 for it, they used to only be like $260. they are just about the best we've seen, very solid stainless steal construction with the best output you can get.

  5. some years ago, there was a trial.

    it lost.

    it doesn't work.

    it's a scam.

    are you the scammer, or a victim?

    <<they used the same thing durinng WWII on the airplanes>>

    what's worse than a lie?

    a half truth.

    in ww2 planes, they injected some water in with the fuel-air mixture, which increased the power / expansion somewhat.

    had nothing at all to do with hydrogen.

    it worked by converting liquid to steam.

    as far as brown's gas, or hho or whatever name you call it, there is no free energy.

    one would think that if it really worked, the energy companies would be all over it to make electricity.

    why aren't they?

    are they stupid?

    do they like paying all that money for coal, oil, or natural gas?

    or, does it just not work?

    the fact that you've posted a website,

    and have your Q+As blocked, is more than a little suspicious.l

  6. I haven't used one because I'm a thermodynamics technologist and I know they don't work with a fraction of the efficiency claimed by some people.

    At best you and your friends are being conned, and at worst you are con men.

  7. i just built one from scratch, and metacafe videos. the only thing different, that i did, is hooked it up for like 45min, in the driveway. i had water coming from my exhaust that was way blackened with carbon. i unhooked it when went to drive it. and without it hooked up my mileage has drastically improved. i believe it is because the hho actually cleaned carbon and c**p from my engine. everyone who leaves them hooked up run into problems. anyone want to challenge my theory, my email is

  8. Sigh again with the HHO CON.

    Yes it a con, I have a long post to show why it can’t and won’t work. (Post an edit and I’ll post it again)

    But here’s something to think about if any car company could be a 30% to 50% increase in fuel mileage with a $250 device they do it in a heartbeat and try and buy up the patent to keep the other car companies from getting it. Car companies spend millions to get a fraction of a percent better fuel mileage out of their engine if they could do it was this device it would be on every car they make, after all they have to make their C.A.F.E. number.

    Yep I could just see the ad

    A <insert competitor’s truck here> only get 20 MPG while the <insert truck name here> gets 30 mpg so in a year you’ll burn 1/3 less fuel and with the money you’ll save you could buy a <insert car, truck, motorcycle, etc>.

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