
Have you used your directional signal lately?

by  |  earlier

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Or are you one of those that do not use it at all? That is one of my BIG pet peeves!




  1. I use them without even thinking.

  2. i always use them u dont know whos watching?

  3. I do use it!  Sometimes I even use it to turn into my driveway.  There is never any other cars around either, it's just a habit.

    I, too,hate it when others do not use theirs.

  4. I use them all the time, if 2 cars are changing lanes and 1 car uses them and 1 car don't, and they hit each other, its the fault of the car that did use them...

  5. I use them when there is someone to signal to. If I am alone on the road I don't bother as there is no one to signal to.

  6. I use 'em` ALL the time.

    It's the guy you don't see that's likely to need it.

  7. If I ride my brother's Harley I do.

  8. Always, and i'm always amazed at how many people don't.

  9. Yes I use them all of the time, even if there are no other cars around.

  10. I am so used to using them that I use them even if there is nobody around.

    Some times i do it without notice my self.

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