
Have you voted yet to remove the Muhammed cartoons?

by Guest44912  |  earlier

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Currently 55% have voted to remove the Muhammed cartoons from, while 45% believe this slander to Islam should remain.

background; has so far refused to listen to the kind and reasonable requests, from the Muslim Student Union For Peace, to remove the offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed. did however agree to put it to a vote and will remove the cartoons at the end of the next full moon if it be the will of the people. I ask you to honor the prophet and vote to remove these cartoons. You can do this by voting on the political cartoon section of We must have a 51% minimum majority to win. Thank you for helping us to put an end to this odious episode.




  1. No because your book of evil inspired by satan slanders my Saviour.

  2. You people must be very sad. What do you say of Jesus? Or do you even think he existed? Why don't you believe in freedom of speech? Why do you want to kill us because we don't believe in your God? Get a life.

  3. Muhammed was a rapist, a genocidal mass murderer, a thief, a slaver and a pedophile.  Why would we respect somebody like that?

    And you might want to check the poll again, your attempt to apply Islamic law to the civilized world isn't going so well.

  4. We should all respect each others religious beliefs. Making fun of things that are holy to others only serves to divide us.

  5. I would never vote to put a gag on free expression.  I don't care who is offended.

  6. It's a shame that you are so sensitive that you can't take a joke.

    I have a brilliant Idea ! !  Why don't you do something to correct the horrific, disgusting behavior that inspires such cartoons. Then there wouldn't be any cartoons to protest, now would there?

    But on the other hand, religious fanatacism, no matter what the brand, doesn't leave a whole lot of room for common sense and rational thought, does it?

  7. When a society can't handle a cartoon, its time for them to disband and start over. No one complains about cartoons except Muslims. Look inside your own religion for guidance. Certainly there must be something to the effect 'just get over it' and move on with life.

  8. In the US, we believe in free speech.  These cartoons (which I have seen) are fairly mild political cartoons...much more mild than political cartoons within the US.  It's ridiculous to get your panties bunched up so badly, and to even make death threats, over something so innocuous.  In fact, I'll go vote for them to stay!

    There is TRUE outrage in this world -- abuse of women, terrorism, female circumcision, slavery, etc.  Get outraged about something that actually matters.

  9. Thanks for the website address. I didn't know about this one.

  10. If you vote to remove one you will vote to remove the other.

    But I don't see you doing that.

    Keep your religion in your heart, in your home and in your place of worship and out of my government

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