I have seen whole forests deforested, burned, and concreted over. The once sweat air is hard to breath and stinks like car exhaust. The trees along the sides of the roads are dying or are dead from the car exhaust and what is it doing to us? Most of the people I know either have cancer or are dying from cancer and they don't smoke and never did. I have seen lush coral reefs go from teaming with life to barren green empty stinking mirky nasty places you wouldn't even let your dog swim in. You never see many wild animals any more and the wild places have disapeared. All the wild beutiful beasts are caged in zoos and they have no habitats they can be safely released to. I used to want to travel the world and see all the great places and the wide open spaces, but they have been corupted, outsourced, striped of all their worth.
Is there anything that is still left in this world that is good? What have you watched just disapear? Is greed and a few bucks worth what we have really lost? Our planet is dyeing our atmospere is being burned up and for what reason? Is there any reason that we should lord over this world when we don't take care of it? Tell me we have somewhere else to go. We don't. Space is to far for any of us to fly through we have not even landed on anything besides our own moon. Desert animals are migrating north and I wonder if they know something people seem to overlook. So have you watched the world slowly die? Do you think we can every get our planet to something livable again?