
Have you written a good book?

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If you think you wrote a good book could you put it on the internet for me to read?




  1. I'm writing one currently and am EXTREMELY protective of my ideas.

    I won't even tell my friend's any whiff of the plot.

  2. no, I haven't yet, but I am working on it. I won't ever post it on the internet because someone might steal it. But you can read it if it does get published. sorry for not giving you the answer you wanted. -ROX

  3. I have written several, but I would never advise anyone to put their work on the internet if they ever want it published. Someone will steal it within the first 5 minutes it is there.

    If you are looking for something to read online, try

    They have over 25,000 books online to read for free!

  4. You can try one that I'm on called  It's great there!!

  5. I've written several terrible ones including, but not limited to:

    An Ice Maker for the North Pole

    200 Ways Not to Befriend a Badger

    Vomit, Hangovers, and Waking up in Tubs Full of Ice

    w***e:  The Story of My Ex-Girlfriend

    Creepy Uncle Ted: Campfire Stories for Young Adults

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