
Have you yet to find a steady stream of luck in your life yet?

by  |  earlier

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I have not.




  1. no, I am constantly comming second.


  2. luck and steady is something very alien to my life

  3. This is ME we're talking about, remember?

  4. No....

  5. yes

  6. My sister once said I was the unluckiest person she has ever known. This was about 5 years before my wife left with my 2 young daughters, causing the almost total loss of  a house that was paid for, then I got hit by not 1 but 2 drunk drivers in the middle of the afternoon and also hit by 2 semi tires on the interstate at 65 MPH all in a 3 year period. Now my job of 21 years is on the verge and in all likelihood going to be eliminated due to the advent of the internet. I'm starting to think she was right. Oh I forgot to mention nearly losing both index fingers and a thumb due to another workers negligence. I never sleep anymore I want to be awake for the next great thing in lifes little adventures.

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