
Have you you seen nurses with nose piercings?

by Guest45338  |  earlier

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I'm asking because I'd like to study nursing next year in uni and become a registered nurse and then become a midwife ...but I also want to get the side of my nose pierced.

Would this effect my goals?





  1. No. It's a rule that nurses cannot wear any piercing.

  2. yes i have friends at work with nose piercings.  BUT it's is not really recommended to have anything considered "out of the ordinary" like piercings, tattoos, green hair etc.  you are suppose to be a professional.   i personally have 10 ear piercings and don't really care.  although my tattoos don't show.  i do have a co worker who has both arms covered in tattoos but he wears long sleeves.  there is another girl with many arm tattoos but she wears them open.

    it is a personal choice and no one can discriminate against you for how you look.  it just looks more "professional" if you appear more "clean cut"

    workplaces usually have policies regarding dress code and it may have a section on piercings, so i would check it out before you apply.

    you can also get a small plastic spacer that is hardly noticeable to wear when you are at work.

    good luck with your studies!

  3. I am not certain you would be able to wear a nose piercing on the job as a nurse. Many jobs will not allow facial piercings. Contact your local hospital (s) to check their policy.

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