
Have you younger Obama fans followed his winding policy path through Iraq, NAFTA, guns, and all the rest?

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If you've not watched a Democratic Presidential candiate change his tune more often than the weather, does it disturb you that you have no idea what Obama's real positions are regarding the above (and other) major issues of the day?

P.S. To you folks suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome: Please give us all a break and don't "answer"; instead, take your meds and go to your rooms.




  1. obama sucks, and so does bush

  2. Tainted always...are seeking anybody, instead of another conservative R.  They really don't care if its obama or not!    

    It could be bozo the clown....they will hit the (D) button.

  3. To those of you who think some Liberals vote the party, instead of the "man", you are correct.  I can't imagine voting for a Republican and then expecting him/her to follow the Democratic platform.  If you just want to consider the intellect of Obama and McCain, is there any doubt which one finished much better is his class?  It will just take conservatives a while to get used to a bright person in the White House, after nearly eight years of Bush.  Who, out there, wants four more years of Bush's war?  Don't get all excited if Senator Obama changes his mind!  It only means he is actually "considering" the situation, and which answer would be best for most people....not only the rich people!

  4. Well, that's nigh impossible.  I've seen Obama change his opinions within one speech.

  5. Because it's all about the instant gratification with youth now days

  6. We are witnessing the change Obama promised... Changing his mind.

  7. Of course not. All they know, or care to know is that he is young, black, famous (now), and speaks well. He knows how to "sell" himself, and with the record number of young voters expected to turn out in November, he is counting on that.

  8. They heard change, so they changed back to MTV.

  9. Don't be afraid of peace. By the way, we can and we will.

  10. they haven't.  their liberal professors are telling them what to do.  They are too high to make their own decision.

  11. Yes, and I think we should Stay the Bush Course! I don't want to

    "change" the Bush course, this great economy is hammering the liberal middle and working classes, I hope they are so busy just looking for work and to make ends meet they won't have time to vote!

    McCain '08! Victory over the liberal middle and working classes by '12!!!

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