
Have your parents ever said anything hurtfull to you ..?

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Or when you are close & they don't think you can hear. I ask this because my parents do this a lot to me. They are not supportive when Iam depressed & as I have suffered with it for 20 years....

And today me & mum visited a friend who, I haven't seen for about 7 years & she asked me if I have a boyfriend. before I spoke to say "no", my Mum interrupted & said "She isn't interested" I snapped back & said "You don't make my decisions in life.You carry on as if Iam a L*****n because you always say Iam not interested"

When as a matter of fact Iam straight & would love a partner. Just to know what it is like to be loved. If its not what it seems I would have learned my lesson & stayed single.

When i got home I thought I could confide in my Dad & he made things worse by having a right go at me when all I needed was his support.

My parents dont even know me!!




  1. my parents are the same. whenever someone askes me a question my mom always answers for me and i'm 16 she acts like i cant talk for myself. and when i go driving with my dad to get hours for my license he always flipps out on me like today it was horriable i started crying and everything. and he yells at me all the time and calls me dumb and stuff. he told me that i'm never gunna have a good life if i dont do good in school. however i get good grades usually all a's b's and c's. but thats not good enough for him. its horriable my parents are always putting me down. the only time i'm happy is when i'm with my boyfriend who is the love of my life. i'm close to my mom but you would never guess it. but its horriable they are constantly talking about my other two sisters and how their dumb and dont have a good life and what not. i cant wait till i move out

  2. I think all parent say things at one point or another that is mean or rude to their child.  Parents are people too, they aren't perfect and sometimes say things they know they shouldn't , or even something just comes out wrong or is perceived as mean.  When my mom ever says anything mean, or anything she later thinks she was wrong about, she always apologizes.  She used to even apologize when I did something wrong and she thought she yelled at me and half the time she wasn't even raising her voice.  I think less about what they say, and more about how they deal with it after.  I'm more concerned with my parents apologizing or what they say when they are confronted about it.  It means so much more to me for them to realize that yes they were wrong and find out that they really don't want to say things like that to me, some things just slip. You should really talk to your mom about it.  I found that some of the things my mom was saying to me affected how I treated others, I told her that it bothers me and when she tells me not to treat someone the way I am, making fun of them, picking at every little problem they have, I told her that the things she has said to me have influenced me to treat other the way I have been shown. She used to say the stuff I said/did was stupid sometimes, and it was but you can tell me nicer not to say something.  And I would often talk about other people doing thing really stupid.  I told her that it really hurts and it also has taught me to treat others this way, and she hasn't told me something I said or did was stupid more than a few times since I spoke with her a few months ago.  I really think you need to talk to her.  Let her know it hurts you, tell her how it affects you or your relations with others.  Good luck, no one deserves to be treated bad and I really don't think your parents do it on purpose.

  3. I hate parents that don't know anything about their kids

  4. Well my parents aren't as rude as yours, but I can remember when I was like, 6 or 7, my mom calling me stupid because I didn't know how to do my homework, and that was at least 11 or 12 years ago, and I remember everything about that moment because it really hurt my feelings.

  5. My parents are a******s they are the same way I've got kids now and they still say things! i just don't go over there anymore inless i have too

  6. yes my moms makes it clear she has a favorite, my brother even though she THINKS she is just "joking around with me" somethings she says really hurts, and im always compared to my brother, how much im not like him hes so good, "y can u be more like him" "he did this y can u"

  7. Yeah my moms mean to me she calls me fat and im not, and says she dosnet want my because i ruin her life......

  8. hey ,

    im 13 and this always sticks in my mind i was feeling really depresed when me my mum and dad were out shopping and me and my mum was haveing an arguement and i sed i felt like i just wanted to die (i know it was wrong but thats how i felt) and my mum snatched the carrer bags off of me and sed you dont need thous where your going , that was about 2 years ago and my dad he always calls me dumb and tudayy he was drilling in the light in the conservatry and i was watching telly so i got up and shut the door and opened the door and stared shouting at me and chaseing me tranna hit me cus i shut his fingers in the door he always dius it but im used too it sometimes i can be brave and stand up too him

  9. You need to confront your mother and father because it seems that they aren't letting you say what you need to say.

    Talk to them when you have their full attention. Speak in a firm voice and look them straight in the eyes and tell them that you are old enough to speak for yourself, and that they shouldn't make your decisions. If they don't listen to you, they're being hard-headed. You can keep persisting, or speak for yourself anyway, because whether they like it or not you are your own person.

  10. Ah :( my mother has said some extremely hurtful things, and even worse, she's carried on like nothing's happened.

    She told me, rather spitefully that she wished I'd never been born and was deadly serious. In fact, she spat it rather than said it. She said it because she was pissed off about something.

    A lot of times, she's said she knows me better than I know myself (in a nasty way).

    I've just gotten used to it (of course, it doesn't mean it doesn't kill every time she says it) and in my head, rant about her. Problem is, if I'm not careful, it's going to make me a bitter person and I don't want to be anything like her.

    By the way LOVE 80's music! Madonna rock on! :)

  11. Today. My mom left because my dad cheated on my mom.  I called her and begged her to come home and she said " Oh, I'm busy. Stop being such a f,a,g".

    That hurt.

  12. Hm I just got off the phone with my Mom and I've got tears in my eyes.  YES my parents say hurtful things to me.  My Dad's always telling me how worthless I am and saying anything to hurt my feelings.  My Mom doesn't even say anything mean to me really, she just DOES things that hurt me and make me worry about her.

    You don't need your parents to find a boyfriend for you, if you're older than 20 then you can get out there and find one on your own! It sounds like your parents are trying to shelter you so that you don't get your heart broken but you don't have to listen to them.  Good luck.

  13. one time my mum told me she wished she would have had an abortion instead of giving birth to me. and she tells me she wishes i would die. she talksa about me behind my back al the time. least im 18 soon :]]

  14. i have that problem with my parents like one time my step dad told me that i was going to grow up to be a drug addict living on the street with every bodily function of mine infected and messed up and that is just because i didn't want to do a huge fascinating science fair project i wish our moms would quit being so evil

  15. ughh. ALWAYS happens with me! >[

    especially the depression thing!

    they always talk about me when im upstairs & think i can't hear, but i can.

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