
Have your writing habits been affected by the quality and quantity of what you read?

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Have your writing habits been affected by the quality and quantity of what you read?




  1. Yes, everybody has their own writing style, and that style is greatly affected by the books that person reads. When they read something they like a lot, they will tend to subconsciously adopt the part of that style that affected them.  

  2. I read constantly. When not on here I am buried in a book. I don't have time to write to busy reading. So yes the more I read the less I write. As far as the quality. No real way for me to measure it at this point.  

  3. yes.i mean when i've started to read more novels & plays,my writing style has become better..

  4. Yes.

  5. you bet, I don't read anymore, I'm always on Y/A!!

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