
Have zoologists or scientists determined what animals BEHAVE most like people?

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Have zoologists or scientists determined what animals BEHAVE most like people?




  1. Dolphins and monkeys

  2. I would say monkeys.

  3. Yeah, Gorillas.

  4. I would say there is no animal that is close to human behavior, but there are a few species that are highly intelligent and have shown signs of self-awareness, the aspect that I believe would most link animal behavior with human behavior. These animals would be the dolphins, monkeys, and the elephants.

    I read up on elephants being placed in front of mirrors with a white "x" on their forehead and they swung their trunks to touch that x. That means they are fully aware that it was themselves in the mirror. They are extremely intelligent and underestimated by most.

  5. anthropologist said the apes were a like humans

  6. I think I heard that genetically we are closest to chimpanzees and pigs. But there are no other animals that BEHAVE most like people. That is because there is no other animal that has such a highly developed mind.

  7. monkeys. not dofins because there smarter than us

  8. monkeys and all its kinds.

  9. monkeys because they can actually communicate with them through sign language. Monkeys are incredibly intelligent. I did a study on them in psychology, they took baby monkeys from their mothers temporarily and put them with a fake mother. One of them was covered with soft fur but was not able to feed the monkey, the other was just metal but could feed the monkey, and the study concluded that even though the cloth mother could not feed the monkey, that baby was happier and healthier than the monkey with the metal mother who could feed it. It was very interesting. The same thing happens to human children, without a mother to care for us and nurture us we'd become depressed, and some motherless babies even die.

  10. no im not sure actually, very interesting though!

    edit: I was thinking about monkeys =]

  11. monkeys.

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