
Haven't Liberals and liberal thinking been great for America because....?

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if it wasn't for liberals Slavery wouldn't have ended, the women's movement, Civil Rights movement etc... doesn't conservatism basically means standing for the status quo and "traditional values" Government interferece..




  1. When I hear the word liberal I think no bra, conservative wears sports bras, conservative=panties in a bunch, liberal=what panties??

  2. liberal thinking in the past has created gains for society...but how far do you want to take it?

    Liberalism in recent history has been much more about creating victims out of thin air than actually 'standing up for the little guy'

    Kennedy was the last true bona fide liberal that actually believed he was a citizen of the United States FIRST, whereas we constantly see this push from Democrats about being citizens of the WORLD.

    It's nothing like what it used to be.  Liberalism has simply turned into a vehicle to promote socialism.

  3. even if they had done all that for America on their dime the fact that they support Roe vs. Wade negates all of it  

  4. Problem is, I believe Lincoln was a Republican. When the 19th Amendment finally was added to the Constitution, 26 of 36 state legislatures that had voted to ratify it were under Republican control. The first woman elected to Congress was a Republican, Jeanette Rankin from Montana in 1917. And the civil Rights act was passed by a Republican Congress, after a Democrat Congress refused to pass it years earlier

  5. Well of course, Liberals cause change.

    Conservatives stick to the same old, even if it doesnt work.

    its called being stubborn.

    though, i not saying everything liberal is good. i mean, i m against abortion and g*y marriage. but i have that right. the right to be against it. that is a liberal ideal. Though it may not go with extreme liberals, i have the right.

    as Voltaire once said, "i may not agree with what you say, but i will fight to the death for your right to say it."

    Liberals Change the world. Conservatives stabilize it to the point where it may be manageable. or at least, make it easy enough tht it doesn't affect them.

    i'm split. im a conservative Democrat.

    you gotta find the best of both worlds. if you dont, you are an extremist. aka, an idiot who is too stubborn to realize the potentials of the world.  

  6. Lets not confuse classic liberalism- which is modern day conservatism and modern liberalism which is in fact illiberal.  

  7. Hmm, I don't think being a non liberal means that you would still have women barefoot and preggers at home and a slave in the yard. People who stood up for those changes were just brave and open minded.  

  8. Yes, liberals and liberalism have done a lot of wonderful things for this country.  Conservatism has its place too, but today, the Republican party -- which is supposed to be the party of conservatism -- is actually anything but conservative.  And everyday conservative Americans haven't quite caught on to that fact.

  9. Yes, the liberals in congress are doing a bang up job of spending us into bankruptcy. Nasty Pilosi and her cohorts should be hanged for treason.

    Slick Willy and his husband Hillary were absolute garbage and the only reason the budget was balanced was he had a republican controlled congress that went so far as to shut down the government to get the job done (thanks Newt). Carter was WONDERFUL! Remember Stagflation and double digit interest rates? How about the maniac from Texas (the other one) Johnson, and his MASSIVE increase in social spending that he called the "Great Society"? The thought that if the government throws enough money at the poor they will go to work.

    Your right, more liberals are what this nation needs, MORON.

  10. liberalism may have done some good things in the past, but now it is getting way out of hand: abortion, socialism, silly environmentalism (hey, we can drill our own oil, thank you), "global warming", the list goes on and on...

    Maybe we should never go to war, hold hands and sing koom-by-ya.  The terrorists will understand and love us then, right?

  11. Today's Liberals are tomorrows conservatives.

    The term liberal has become vilified, when all it really means is to be receptive to new ideas. politics today takes words and twists them into labels that aren't really what they mean.

  12. Running on a liberal platform has been a losing proposition in recent history.  Barack Obama appears to be posturing for a liberal platform with lines like "I am my brother's keeper."  Time will tell if he can pull it off.

  13. I thought the Republican Party ended slavery through the victory of the Civil War?

    I do know the Democrats started the KKK but jeez .... dont take all the credit

  14. You're arguing semantics…the term 'conservative' does mean that in certain contexts, but as a political ideology, you're way off. I think you'll find that Slavery was ended by a Republican and liberal Democrats like Sen Bird opposed the civil rights act in '64. Johnson had to rely on REPUBLICANS to get it passed.

    Conservatives believe in small gov't

    Libertarians believe in minimal gov't

    Liberals believe in big gov't

  15. Holy sheet!

    Your professor at commie martyr jr. high must be mighty proud of you paco.

  16. Lol pop open a history book, it was the Republicans that ended slavery. Republicans that pushed for equality for black people. It was the Democrats whom created the Jim Crow laws and refused black people the right to vote.  

  17. We need less government interference for sure, I don't like loosing more and more of my freedom every day.

    Which party do you think Abe Lincoln was from?

  18. Slavery was ended by the Republicans. The party was formed mainly to end slavery. During the civil rights movement those that where fighting it where democrats.

    Conservatives have a higher moral standard where they care more about families. This is the one thing that gives the children the best chance to be sucessful.

    Liberals have the feminist movement in which career first, have some kids and you do not have to get married. They also made many programs that as even Obama said to qualify they would need more kids, quit a job or get divorced. Since the war on poverty the black family has been assaulted. Before children had two parent households 75% of the time. Know it is lower than 25%.    

  19. No. Conservatism says that the government should do nothing but enforce the laws. The government's responsibility is only to make sure that no one's rights get trampled on but NOT to support them. Everything that happens to someone is not the government's business frankly. Most things are direct results of people's choices. Obviously there are some things that are not up to choice, but it is not the government's job to make up for the shortcomings of some people while never concentrating on society as a whole.

    The above things that you mention as being something that Conservatives would be against is just false. Slavery, the feminist movement and the Civil Rights movements were all movements against infringements on natural rights. These rights are inalienable and are given to every person by God not by the government. Therefore, these issues are not conservative or liberal but societal. Infringements on natural rights are what the Constitution protects against from the time of its inception. However, although these rights were protected society(not conservatives or liberals) considered some people to be below these protections. However, society has grown and these violations have been eradicated. Therefore, your argument that conservatives would be against these is simply false because these rights are granted because one is human and the question of whether or not one is human is not decided by conservatives or liberals but by our own humanity.

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