
Haven't had period in over a month??

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well i mean i had s*x june 15th--i was supposed to get my period[which i know s*x will mess with your peiod!] but i haven't gotten it this month either. i'm not stressing anymore. after that test. just wondering.




  1. Missing your period doesn't necessarily mean you are pregnant. You could be late because of stress, illness, certain medications, a fluke, your cycle just adjusting (since you are still so young), or whatever.

    If your period has still not shown in a few days, try testing again. And maybe in another week or so as well. Just try to chill out, because stressing will only make it worse. If the test comes out negative, and you get to the point where you should be expecting your next period, then see the doctor. There is also no harm in seeing your doctor sooner, if you want them to double check for pregnancy with a blood test...but home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate if you take them after a missed period.

    Finally, I have to put in that you need to ALWAYS use protection, 100% of the time. All it takes is once. You are only 15, and if you choose to be sexually active, the least you can do is be responsible about it. Good luck!

  2. well that was stupid...use a condom next time.

  3. You are dumb for having unprotected s*x, wait another 2 weeks then take the test again.  And you know guys do lie so you really don't know if he is a virgin

  4. If you're not pregnant you might just not have a regular period.

    How long have you had your period?

    For the first 2 years it's usually irregular.

  5. There is still a slight chance that you are pregnant because the test can be wrong sometimes. But it sounds like it is probably just a good old case of stress or activity change. Even just being worried about not using protection could cause your body to stress enough to skip your period. If you are really worried then go to the doctor and get some bloodwork done.

  6. I suggest go to your GP! a.s.a.p! You're only 15!! I really hope your not pregnant...

  7. your too young to be having s*x.

    and your also young enough for your period not even to be regular yet.

    keep taking pregnancy tests if you want.. but you will get it soon.

  8. U should take a visit to the doc my girl had to do the same thing once but it was nothing

  9. your body may be responding ...preparing for  pregnancy

  10. take a pregnancy test again..

  11. well since you are only 15 ur period just might be irreguler... ya you might know when its coming but is does take time for it to get fully set. you can go see a doctor. ( i think u should) but if u dont want to tell a parent or anything like that then just go to planned parent hood they will help u out there and ur parents wont find out!!! oh and if u think u cant get prego just cause u guys were virgins ur wrong... but i dont know if that was what u were saying!!! good luck

  12. It took me nearly 6 yrs for my period to become regular. I often would go a month or two with no period and sometimes even get it twice in one month.

    That is pretty normal for a 15 yr old.

    There is a slight chance you are pregnant but if two tests said no, then stressing about it could be delaying it too.

    You should go to the doctor just in case, to rule it out. ONce you stop worrying it will probably come.

  13. Well not having your period is having stress,not eating well and such but just do another pregnacy test to see how it came out because sometimes its not normal not having your period regulary but talk to your doctor he/she have most of the answers youre looking for

    GooD LucK!

  14. i agree that you should use a condom...always...but has this happened before?? Have you missed or skipped a period before?? When did you first get your period...that might have something to do with it..if you got it for the first time recently then it might not be in a groove yet....also...if this has happened before you might have something else to deal with.     My period has never been regular...and im in my 20s. I went to the doctor and it turns out that I have an underactive thyroid....dont be alarmed its nothing serious but that might be something....also i would go to your doctor and see if you  might be wanna find out sooner more then later...let me know...i would love to see what happens.....hope this helps and good luck!

  15. uh... go to the doctor

  16. well, if both tests said negative... that may not mean anything. i would check out the doctors.... and also, use a condom! :) but i get irregular also, and im still like that. if hes telling the truth, then okay, but you know how some guys are. they only want one thing... and he might just tell you he's a virgin... so try to suck it out of him! :) jk, but Good Luck!!!!

  17. you could be pregnant.  see a doctor.

  18. I'm 14 and sometimes miss periods so you still might not b pregnant, take another test in a week or so, hope everything works out OK :)

  19. Try to check it out with the doctor.. good luck

  20. Well pregnancy tests aren't instant. Youd have to already be several weeks along before they can tell you, it should say how many on the box.

    But if its only a month I really wouldnt be to stressed about it. Though you should always protect yourself, especially being as young as you are irregular periods are normal. Also, one thing iv noticed personally is my s*x life definitely affects my period. Since iv always been irregular having s*x continually will bring my period on sooner, however if I only have s*x near the start of my cycle it will take longer before I get my period.

    My advice is wait a little longer, make sure that if you are pregnent, your far enough along that the test would register it. If you go another month with no period then id take myself to the doctor. But as it is now its too soon to tell, also be sure to remember how scared you are now, so youll remember to protect yourself in the future. But everyones made mistakes, just do your best to learn from them.

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