
Haven't heard much on the war lately.

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Anyone know how things are going?>




  1. Things must be going well since the media isn't talking much about it. If things were going badly, you can be sure that they would be covering it 24/7.

  2. The media isnt talking about it, but Anti American cleric Al-Sadr said he is going to disarm his Mahdi Army and turn them into a social services organization. This is the man who is most responsible for America's problems in Iraq. Though this is a good development for us, this also means Al Sadr will probably receive some American tax paying funding to keep him happy, even though he is responsible for over 4000 US deaths. It seems like the only one who won this war is him.

  3. things are still goinq iam assuming that things are calming down . but a couplle of months ago things were getting bad again . hopefully everyhing is getting good . nothing would make me happier then to see the marines come home .

  4. Sure.

    Why not?

    In strpping with strip-tease show in public?

    The creeps seemed creeping back quietly back into the coffin.

    In avoiding further exposure in kicking the butts of own ancestors.

    With self lack of knowledge.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  5. Sorry to be blunt BUT!!!  The war is still going on, my friends are still on a crazy ***  deployment cycle, men and women (yes women) are still dying, IED's are still being set up and destroying vehicles and lives, even though it is not on TV every night.  We are doing a d**n good job over there in BOTH wars, and everyone who is putting their butt's on the line loves all the support that we back home are providing them!  Keep it up, there is still alot of battles to be won!!!  Continue to support the troops and donate to good causes!!!  It helps!!!

    Sailor Jule$

  6. Ask Fox. They'll give a completely true and unbiased answer. Hahahaha, juuuust kidding, of course!


  7. Turn on a TV to see what the Democrats see with the war.  Iraq is still a modern Vietnam, but more important now that Iran has declared its independence from world wide Nuclear Warfare testing, the rest of the world has now confirmed the US involvement with Iraq.  Even France, no kidding...Thank goodness, French Fries were about to be rationed out by McDonald's.

    Afghanistan is still a mess, still controlled by Al Queda, but the US troops are making progress.

    But there is hope.  With Obama, the troops will be withdrawn within 16 months, only to have the taxes raised for middle income Americans living within the continental borders  

    The results haven't been projected yet, but with the added gasoline taxes, the US will be bankrupt by 2012.  Even though terrorism will be only limited to the Europe area, and those formerly allied with the US.  After that, you voted for him, so deal with it....

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