
Haven't you notice how the republican party is all about war and guns and military? ?

by Guest67239  |  earlier

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Doesn't that scare you? Some of the people they showed "chanting" USA at their convention tonight reminded me of the Hitler Youth Corps....




  1. They're about strength, Democrats are about weakness.

    I wouldn't want to have to depend on San Francisco to defend anyone.

    You go girlfriend.

  2. yes, because they have no real policies to go off of. Every other issues like healtcare, education, abortion, unemployment etc. they have horrible views on the things that really matter so they don't mention it and target guns and military topics. They know that if middle and lower class america really knew how they feel about important issues they wouldn't have a chance.

  3. I think this nation the ideals set forth by deist Thomas Jefferson, Ben Frank and even John Locke, Hume, Mill, etc or even further back Aristotle, Plato is beyond our ability. What I am trying to say is that America is ahead of its "time." America or democracy cannot survive without an informed citizenry constantly monitoring its agencies. As you can see ignorance has overcome America many believe it to be the fault of the right or the left but it remains the same as we continue our partisanship the country is being plagued by corruption by our top leaders.

    Its a shame we will be at each other throats for years but it does not have to be so. We all love this country and we have different ideas as to government. These ideas do not have to be mutually exclusive, we can sit together and comprimse. We all want whats best for America. Stop dismissing each other by labels "right" or "liberal"

  4. That seems to be our main industry now, and they want to support it.  I wish it weren't so.  

    They also want to whip up the patriotrism and fear to help them win elections, although they didn't protect us from 9/11, were resistant about spending on homeland security (that Dems supported) and fought a war in the wrong country.  


  5. 200% true.

  6. You noticed too! they could have showed Hitler and the GOP would have cheered!

  7. You could save alot of words on your statement.  The Republican party

    can be summed up in 2 words.  LIBERTY and FREEDOM.  If those two principles are not worth getting excited about, you need to move to a country that doesnt have them, and then report how happy you are.

  8. it's a good thing SOMEONE is.  that's how the rest of y'all feel safe enough to ***** about it.  ironic, isn't it?

  9. what scares me more is that we still have to deal with g*y rights and other discrimination... ITS THE F*CKIN 21ST CENTURY, WE SHOULD BE PAST ALL DISCRIMINATION!!!!

  10. Hehehe, comparing RNCs to Hitler Youth...

    I like the old farts dancing with their signs looking like they think they're suave about it... hehe, I had to laugh!

    Yeah, pretty much Palin claimed that to be worthy of such a position as President you need to serve our country in the military and be tortured while you're at it.  There ARE other ways to be a productive worthy citizen... maybe she should've joined the military, I mean she does like her guns.

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