
Havent Met Deductable- How much will Dr Visit Cost?

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So I have aquired me insurance, but I havent met my deductable, but I do need to go and see an obgyn I have my co-pay information and all that, but I was just curious how all the insurance will work since I havent met the deductable yet?




  1. If the doctor is participating with your insurance you only have to pay the copay.  If the doctor is not participating then you will have to meet your deductible.  In other words, if your deductible is $1000 and the doctor visit is $100 you will have to pay for the office visit.  When it comes to out of network must meet that deductible first.  Email me if you have any other questions.

  2. Call the insurance company and ask.  Better to do that than get a "from the hip" answer.

    Likely it'd just be the copay, but some policies don't cover preventative so it really depends.


  3. The way a deductible works is that you are responsible for all charges until the deductible is met.

    So, for example, let's say you go to the doctor.  The doctor normally charges $250 for an office visit.  She has a negotiated rate with your insurance company for $85.  You have a $1,000 deductible.  You will be responsible for the full $85.

    You pay only what the negotiated rate is.  I have Aetna, and I can go online and see the negotiated rates for all the approved providers.  I'm assuming you can do this with your company as well.

    Having a deductible does NOT mean you are only responsible for the co-pay.  You are responsible for the entire visit.

  4. You'll have to pay for the doctor visit.  You'll have to ask his office, if it's the first visit, usually they charge around $150.  Plus any tests they do.

  5. It depends on the terms of your insurance.

    Call the doctors office and ask them. Most times they have negotiated rates for people with insurance.

  6. Jools is absolutely correct, you pay the negotiated rate between your insurer and the dr.

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