
Havent heard from my boyfriend?

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Ok, so some of you have probably read my other questions.For those who havent ill fill you in.. I might be pregnant, have to take a test in two weeks. I have been with my partner for a long time and we are engaged. We do want a baby. But it is now wednesday and i havent heard from him since friday. He wont reply to my texts or answer his phone. The thing is he has asked his sister if i had rang her, and his cousin told me when she asked him where i was in the weekend he said oh shes at work im seeing her later. But i never saw him. I am close with his sister and mother and he hasnt said anything to them.Are we over? It making me really sad, and he doesnt know that i may be pregnant. I didnt want to say anything until i new for sure. Is he worth me getting upset over? I dont know.Please help




  1. He's losing interest in you and seeing another chick. Chances are that he has been fooling around on you for a while and heard you might be preggo. I'd dump him if you can find him.  

  2. you guys have been together for awhile and you are engaged and he's not returning phonecalls? That sounds very strange. if you are that serious about eachother why would he blow you off like you guys have been dating casually for 2 weeks?

    I'd wanna know what was going on.. how often do you normally see eachother or talk? everyday? something is going on.

    As for the pregnancy, why aren't you testing for 2 weeks? is it because that's when you get your period? if that's the case and you didn't have s*x, say yesterday, then I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you don't have much to worry about, as RIGHT NOW would be the period of time where you could get pregnant.

    I'd just call him and say I'm going to assume the relationship is ending since you can't call me back.. and then see what happens.

    Then tell his family the same thing.. and move on. I'm sure you have better things to do to wait around for this guy to call you back.  

  3. well to be honest with you i would go over there and see whats up my man has that problem to see not living together screws everything up i hate it but you do need to tell him that you may be when you do talk to him tell his parents to if you havnt my man says hes not ignoring me he just dont really ever have his phone on him its usally in his truck so oh and yes i am pregnant we were also trying for a baby but now the next step is getting a plae together  if u have ne more questions just ask

  4. This isn't normal behavior for a fiance.  Its not the way that your partner should be treating you.  I'm sure there's a lot more to  your relationship, so you'll have to think about this and decide whether or not this guy is mature enough to marry you.  The fact that he'll ignore you for days is highly disconcerting to me.  It may be very possible that he is planning on moving on (if he isn't doing so already).

    Confront him if you want, but I'd keep waiting, then read him the riot act when he finally does appear.  If he still hasn't appeared in two weeks, and you end up with a positive HPT, then definitely go out and find him.  Otherwise, consider moving on if you're not pregnant and find someone who treats you better.

  5. I would not bother till you knew for sure that you were prego just leave it alone. Now if you are prego call him then and if he does not answer write a letter or something and just go from there. Don't let him rule you take charge of your life if he does not call you go have fun and find someone else later. Don't force something that should not be. If it was meant to be then he would not act like this.  

  6. i would go and confront him. i mean you are/were engaged. and if he gives you some lame excuse that he didnt have his phone on him or something to that extent, then i suggest that YOU get rid of HIM. you really dont need someone like that around your child or you. its just going to cause you and your child more heartache down the road. best of luck to you!  

  7. I would stop calling him and asking for him. As long as he knows that you are always looking and wanting to know were he is he knows he has you believe me leave him alone and if he really loves you he will wonder why you are not looking for him. Another thing is that you shouldn't have to be trying to get a hold of him he should automatically answer unless he is doing something wrong.

  8. I would go where he is and confront him. If he is wanting it to be over then you need to know. If not then tell him to start answering when you text or call.  

  9. You're engaged to this guy?  

    For your sake, I hope you're not pregnant.  Can you say "fear of commitment?"  

  10. You want to marry and have a child with a boy that avoids you?

    I would leave him be...for good! Please, re think your relationship.He has proven to you how immature he is by running at the first sign of trouble.

    Good luck!

  11. That's wierd... I would just wait and take the test if it comes back positive you need to tell him, actually I would tell him now cause if you wait he's gonna accuse you of cheating or something...

    34 weeks.  

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