
Havent seen Gordon Brown around for a while he hiding?

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Havent seen Gordon Brown around for a while he hiding?




  1. Even the PM has holidays.

  2. He knows that, like Ken Livingston, he is heading for ignominy and obscurity. Like Ken, he was around when the Olympics was awarded to London, but like Ken, it will be a different party and PM who will be on the podium in 2012. Then, they will all - Gordy, Milibang, Jacqui, etc., will all be forgotten history. So he is getting some practice in.

  3. political recess and general backwards running of this country anyway.

  4. MPs are on their 12 week summer hols.

  5. he's still following the olympic team around, the sad t**t.

    ps, love reggae reggae sauce, nice one Levi.

  6. oh he is about . the traitor was in Edinburgh trying to look good while Scotland's athletes had their parade, Gordonski Brownakov was trying no to look like a hanger on.

    have you noticed he is letting  his minion the idiot miliband do the talking about Russia. Westminster had better sit down and shut up. if they got into it with Russia it would spell disaster. long before NATO ( no action taken organisation) could react the UK would be devastated and the world would still think twice before taking on Russia.

    Gordon brown is and always wull be the inept idiot cowardly hesitating  megalomaniac traitor we have known him to be here in Fife

  7. It is Summer recess for our Parliament. Even a PM is allowed a little private life.

    I haven't seen David Cameron for a while, is HE in hiding?

  8. I believe he has become a hermit and has moved to the Isle of Skye.

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