
Having Charisma....?

by  |  earlier

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This question has basically been asked before, but none of them really had great answers, most people say I don't know, so I'm hoping to change that.

My question is, what makes a person charismatic? How can you tell if a person is charismatic? Do you for sure meet at least one person in your life who is?




  1. I think I knew a girl who had charisma, I mean like I knew a girl and I think she had charisma, and when my friend once asked me to define charisma I said, 'What did you like about Jen?' and she said 'I don't know...I just...I liked her. Everyone did. I don't know just liked her....I don't know how to describe it.'

    I replied, 'You just defined charisma.

  2. Birds of a feather . . . . Regards UK
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