
Having Tampon troubles...????

by  |  earlier

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I started middle school, and I decided I wanted to use a tampon instead of a pad. Well, First off, it goes up most of the way, but then it's like something is blocking it. I try to move it around, and I can't get it in at all. (any help there?)

Also after I take it out, it feels like it's still there, and it hurts. :'-(

Any help??




  1. I think this is something that needs to be discussed with your mom and doctor.

  2. have u talked to your mom? cause i have no idea im sorry

  3. Put a dab of vaseline or cream on the tampon and it will slide in. You are young and that opening will stretch when you use tampons and it will be easier to insert.  

  4. It sounds to me like you are not doing something right!  Ouch, you only have to insert the applicator a little ways then push the tampon from the bottom.  It shouldn't hurt at all, I am not picking on you, but are you inserting the whole applicator, rather than just the cotton part? The reason it might hurt afterward is because a tampon works like a sponge, and absorbs all the moisture.  If I were you I would try using a lighter absorbency tampon.  If it still hurts, get a water based lubricant and add some moisture.  

  5. Yes, it will feel like something is blocking it from going in, but relax and don't move it around, just try to get past that spot. It's probably because you're not relaxed because it happened to me too. It took 4 tries for me to get one in all the way and I had the problem you did. I thought there was something wrong but once you get past that one spot, it should just go right in. And yes, after you take it out, it will feel like that. If it hurts, try using one again after a few hours or so. It might be that you're using too big tampons, and then again, you're not used to them. Just try to get your body used to them by alternating from pads to tampons. Tampons for about 5 or 6 hours, or however much recommended, and then take it out and use a pad for a little bit, then try the tampon again.

    Just remember to relax. Get it past that spot and you will be fine. Don't be scared and remember, there's a string if anything goes wrong ;)

    You can always take it out, but it hurts when you take out a dry one, so I wouldn't do that often.

    Hope this helps :)

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