
Having a Period While You're Pregnant.?

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Me and my husband have been ttc for about 5 months now. My period comes every 28 days on the dot...never fail. Well, we tried to concieve this month on my most fertile days and i was just waiting to see if i was going to start my period or not. Well, it came two days early, which is not normal according to my monthly cycle of "every 28 days." I took it as if I had started my period, but then i started reading stuff about how a lot of women think or do start their period even when they are pregnant. I have been lightly cramping for the past 4 or 5 days. and my period is lighter than usual. could i be pregnant?




  1. I'm pretty sure it's not possible to have your period at all IF you are pregnant. See, when you have your period, the endometrium (the lining of the c**p in your womb/uterus) is expelled, and when that happens the eggs there are also "flushed" out in the process, so, if you are having periods, that would mean you aren't pregnant at all.

  2. When you are pregnant, you miss the period. To be certain you should miss a second successive period. then only can you entertain any hope of pregnancy.

  3. possibly, take a pregnancy test.

  4. Sorry Ive never been P.G. So Sorry I cant help you.Take Care Of Youre Self.

  5. Yeah, you're right - women can still have their period while pregnant, except there's no egg been expelled, just blood.

  6. With both of my pregnancies, I had light periods for the first couple

    of months.

  7. yes

  8. Did you take a test?

  9. You should get a test, that's the only way to know for certain.  However, when I was preggers, I spotted.  So, it is possible for you to have a very light "period" if you are pregnant.  

  10. This happened to my mother when she was pregnant w/ my baby brother. Complete surprise (she was 4-5 months when she found out). She assumed she wasn't pregnant b/c she was having what she thought to be "normal periods".

    Just like some women have anovulatory periods (periods where you don't ovulate)...this is probably the case w/ pregnant women.

    In July, I had an early period came right after CD26 and I never come that early I usu range CD28-32. If I hadn't had a subsequent period earlier this month after CD29 I def would have tested.

    ~Good Luck  

  11. The only way to know is to take a test.  Good luck!

  12. Take a test. Good luck. Baby dust to you and everyone else.

  13. My exmother inlaw swears she was preganant and had her period for 7 months!  so...HCG is measured in thousandths of International Units, or mIU. The most sensitive pregnancy tests can detect hCG levels at as low as 20 mIU. This level of hCG is present in the urine of pregnant women at about 8 days after conception - (though conception/implantation can actually take place several days after the last recorded intercourse). Test sensitivity equates with early-detection - and the lower the number, the sooner a test can detect pregnancy.

    If pregnant, the amount of hCG in your system should be around 25 mIU at 10 dpo (days past ovulation), 50 mIU at 12 dpo, 100 mIU at around two weeks dpo. Blood tests can determine pregnancy as low as between 5 to 10 mIU/hCG, though with levels of 5 mIU, a conclusive determination cannot be made without risking a "false positive" as low levels hCG can be present in the body without pregnancy.

    Drugstore pregnancy tests generally detect pregnancy at 50 mIU - 100 mIU hCG, though you can find early-detection pregnancy tests on the Internet with sensitivity levels as low as 20 mIU. With all diagnostic products, take care to follow the instructions.

    For earliest detection of pregnancy, use first morning urine, as this urine sample contains the most concentrated amount of hCG. If using first morning urine is not feasible, avoiding urination for several hours before using a pregnancy test.

    Remember that the earliest detectable levels are 8 days after conception. Conception can occur days after intercourse. some sources say sperm can live as long as a week after intercourse. So add 7 days from intercourse to 8 days(dpo) after conception to get a minimum of 15 days to use the most sensitive tests available on the internet or wait 12 days(dpo) plus the 7 after intercourse to get 19 days for drugstore tests. a day or two extra couldn'tr hurt to assure accurate results.

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