
Having a baby boy..thinking of naming him Usama?

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I'm having a baby boy I'm thinking of naming him Usama Nicholas (Nicholas will be the middle name)

what do you think?




  1. No.

  2. Nice name, Love the Nicolas I have a friend by that name

    EDIT: Its my opinion so if I like the name Nicolas no name for a thumbs down, You all just need to grown up on here and stop judging people.

  3. No

    usomaof a ******

  4. It sounds ok to me

    If you like it go for it


  5. i love it!...osama in arabic means --are you my mama?..or in shite to chase a chichen!....i think osama bush is a pretty wishes!

  6. NO!!! kids can be so cruel

  7. i love that name it is uniqe i don`t know anyone with that name

  8. Sorry, but I don't like your choice for a 1st name AT ALL.  It reminds me too much of the creep who thinks he should be the next president.

  9. I think if you're Muslim or have some kind of ethnic origin then the name is fine. If you're not then I would advise against you calling him Usama.

  10. Does he have a sister name Binladin?

  11. Honestly speaking, Usama is not the best choice for a first name in this time. Your child will be teased associating his name to Osama Bin Ladan (aka Usama Bin Laden) or Obama. I agree with what someone posted that if you love the name Usama, please use it as his middle name.

    My name doesn't associate with anything negatively but I have always been teased for just having a unique name. So think about what would happen with Usama.

  12. I think it is unusual, and pretty at the same time, it is also unique, and that's fine, because your son will unique & special.

  13. Big thumbs down on Usama.  Thumbs up on Nicholas.

  14. cute love Nicholas

  15. I really like it.  I would hate for his name, however, to be subject to the usual cruelty of today's society.  While there is absolutely nothing wrong with the name--it's beautiful--I'm sure you can picture ignorant, bigoted people having an issue with the name and creating problems for your child.  I don't agree with these people, of course (because it is simply STUPID!), but I would be concerned about my child and how he would have to stomach that name for the rest of his life.  It is a d**n shame, but an unfortunate reality of our society.

  16. I don't like the first name and Nicholas is not that great but it's going to be his middle name so why not.. Go to they have so many names to choose from.

  17. what about Nicholas Usama?

  18. Yes great....

    If you change your name you could also try any of the following:

    Lucifor, Odolf or Seddam.

  19. try something more idk... NORMAL! kids are frikin rude these days and it kills me when i hear of a kid who gets picked on 4 how  he or she looks... (which by the way parents cant change) but then it murders me when i hear a kid get picked on cuz of his name ( and the flippin parent made that idiot choice of naming their kid sumthing dumb like just an exanple off the top of my head... idk... USAMA!!!!)

    just sayin

    ps i like nicholas [normal name] .....

  20. Will he be born before or after the next election? He'll be on the "No Fly List" in no time. ;)

  21. usama?

  22. john , tyson,

  23. the first name wont exactly welcome him into the world the middle name is good,i would reconsider

  24. Eww! bad name, thats your first lesson on bad parenting, what are you trying to do Usama Bin Laden? I like Nicholas as the first name maybe like he could be called Nicholas and at school or as a nickname he could be called nick try that!

  25. Whatza matta wi'you? Usama kinda crazy person?

  26. I don't know why that name? Sound like Obama and  Osama I wouldn't go for it remember he's going to go to school and kids might pick on him if you choose a bad name. It's up to you you are the parent. But it is his name.

  27. I have a friend named Osama (he's Egyptian) and it's obviously very unique! But e's confidant enough to pull it off,  if you like the name Usama, go for it. yeah, he might get teased, but everyone gets teased about something. Names can be character building. I would seriously take into consideration where you live (in the south, maybe not the best name). But ultimately, it's your kid, name him what you want :)

  28. Usama Bin Ladin.

    Your kid is going to have a wonderful life while growing up.....O.o

  29. Usama sounds too much like Obama.

    & by the way:

    NOBAMA 2008!

  30. Thats Nice .... :)

  31. That's too close to Osama for my liking.

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