
Having a bad day???????

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anyone have a bad day where you just dont feel like being a mum anymore, where you just dont even want to look at your baby/toddler? i feel like i have just had the worst day of motherhood and wish i could just start it all over again.




  1. Oh yes, and then I feel guilty for just wanting a day off.

    Chin up!

  2. I just had one of those bad days the other day.  I ended up in tears and my hubby took the little one off my hands for a bit.  It just felt really good to have a good cry and then I was able to come back to being a mommy again.  Oh yeah I was in tears cause I swear the kids were ganging up on me!  

    I would say give yourself the time you need to get over it and then you can be wonderful mommy again.  

  3. I believe evry one has felt what you feel "What did I get my self into," trust me I've been there but you know that what your child was consived with tthe best intentions and we as Gaurdians of that child must be there for them even if we get unholy thoughts live life one step at a time take care of your self and yours and to you have people to watch them for the weekend and take a breather from your daily life just one  

  4. I'm sure everyone has those days. Just wait for those ones where you start to wonder what your life would be like if you didn't have kids. They don't last long then your back to your wonderful mommy self.

  5. Yes that is completely normal, even the best of moms feel like they cant manage anymore.

    For info on babies and motherhood see the below link.

  6. Aw, sorry!! :(  I have those too!!  Earlier today I was SO frustrated with Sophie.  She just kept climbing up me and not listening at ALL!  

    It does pass; you know that, but it's still hard at that moment!!  

    You'll be ok!

  7. I'm not a woman and I'm not a mother and I don't have any children but I think everyone has bad days or atleast I hope everyone does as I would be very annoyed to know there are some people out there who have never had a bad day in the whole entirity of their lives. Babies may be an exception.  

  8. Oh... I just got over a bad weekend. It's horrible, you just feel really down yeah?

    It's a bit morbid but whenever my daughter is being difficult I just think of how many people suffer from miscarriages or are affected by SIDS and think that they'd probably give anything to be in my shoes even with a screaming 6 month old... I know it's really morbid and I'll probably get a million thumbs down for saying it but it really does help me realise that the screaming and the crying are only a small part of what it means to be a mother.

    Now.... here's a job for you. Please add.... and tell me what your bubba is like when she is being perfect and how much she means to you...How old? What's she up to?  

  9. welcome to the wonderful world of motherhood,I think all mothers have had at least one or more of those days but guess what you do get to start all over again, tomorrow. You'll be ok.

  10. my sons 10 months old so i haven't had too many of those days, but I'm not free of them. and they are the worst days cause on top of wanting to bury your head and cry and scream, you know they don't know any better and they really just need and want your help and love and that makes me feel all that more horrible!!! but the best thing about a rotten no good day is a new one is always to follow!!! I hope your day gets better!! and happy year and a half to Madie!! WoooHooo.... big girl.

  11. I'm not a mum and that's why I'm having a great day!!!

  12. Not me (YET)

    Just relax when your baby is asleep and you will forget about everything later. Good Luck

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