
Having a birthday close to the kindergarten cut off

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Does your child have a birthday close to the kindergarten cut off? What did you do? Did you send him/her to kindergarten or hold him/her back? I know each state has a different date. In my state its Sept. 30th. Do you feel its better to hold them back or not? Thanks!




  1. I agree, what does his preschool teacher think?  

    Other considerations:  

    1.  With a late birthday, he will end up getting his driver's license after everyone else.  I know, this is the child's problem, not the parents, lol.

    2.  With a late birthday, the parent will fight the fight of graduation parties and the worries twice as bad because the child is still a minor and you are held responsible.

    3.  As long as the child plans to go to college, then the job market won't be a problem.  Most jobs, besides grocery store and fast food, want a person to be 18 years old.

    4.  Some children are smaller built than others and bullies are drawn to them.  A more mature, larger bodied child probably won't have that problem.

    Lastly, you can never go wrong giving your child the gift of time, an extra year to mature and grow.

  2. My daughter was born November 28th, the cut off is Dec 1st in NY. I sent her to kindergarten to see how she did. She loved it and progressed well. My nephew on the other hand was born on the 26th, and he wasn't quite ready yet. I think its important to factor in how well they did in pre-school, if they went, and how fast they learn. Also, what age range of kids is the child used to socializing with. If they tend to socialize better with older kids, I would send them. If they socialize better with a slightly younger age, and with the other factors in consideration, I would hold off a year.

  3. It depends on his abilities, what does his preschool teacher think?

    My son's birthday is only a month before the cutoff and he's also diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Delays (a very very mild part of the autism spectrum). however, we are still sending him. I hope we are making the right choice. But he is on an IEP that ends when he is 6, so I would rather him go this year and qualify for services, rather than hold him back a year, and then his IEP ends, and he can't get services if we find he needs them that year. He was in the preschool program for developmental delays for 2 years. I think he will be fine. If your son is doing well in preschool, and does not have any learning disabilities so far with speech or delays, send him. You can always repeat kindergarten. But what if he does great? Then he will be with his class and will not have missed out on this year.

    ((these are just my opinions of course, you and your family have to do what is best for your son based on your assessment of his needs. Honestly, I don't think there's anything wrong with waiting till 6 to start kindergarten either, we are sending our son b/c of his IEP so he can be mainstreamed while still being able to have the services if he needs,))

  4. Hi.

    Our daughter is about to turn 6, after the cutoff in our state. She went to private school for K last year. It was eminently obvious to us that she needed to be in kindergarten, and her preschool teacher said it would be inappropriate for her to return to preschool based on her individual skill set and maturity. As it turned out, she was not quite the youngest in her classroom, but she was one of the two top readers and earned excellent grades all around. Plus, she loved the stimulating environment and being around kids who were more like her (than preschool kids would have been).

    If you think your kid is ready based on the kid's inherent skills and maturity, then you are probably in the clear for sending him. However, if you are thinking of holding him back for the sake of some other reason that isn't directly related to where your child is on the developmental continuum, you might be doing him a disservice. Basically, it's all about the child and nothing about the parents.

    The term for holding a kid back a year is called "academic redshirting." You might want to do a search on that term to acquire more information.

  5. i was one of the youngest in my class all through school...i was very smart in grade school, but the older i got, the more trouble i had with math/science...i think that i started out ahead (top of my class) and fell behind...had i been held back a year, this may have not happened

  6. Hi! I have a daughter whose b'day is 10/7 and she missed the cut off by 7 days for public school.  After talking with several teachers and discussing my options to homeschool the Kindergarten year or send her to private Kindergarten, they recommended waiting it out.  One teacher said to me "I have seen many parents regret pushing them in but have never seen anyone regret waiting."  I am very glad we waited, she is a mature girl, she goes to middle school this year.  We are very pleased with her development, and glad we didn't make her grow up sooner than she needed too.  She has become a leader within her class and is strong academically.  My advice is to don't push them in too soon, but if you think your child is ready, then go for it.  Only you know if your child is emotionally, mentally and physically ready for school.  

  7. I do not have a child close to the cut off date, but I am a preschool teacher and would recommend that if your child is close to the date, that you hold them back.  Put him/her in a young 5's program.  There are many preschools or child care centers that offer this program.  I have worked with many children that are close to the cut off, and there is a big difference from those that just turned 5 and the ones that are closer to 5 1/2.  It is not only the academics that are harder for a young 5 to grasp, but the socialization is harder for them too.  Just think if you wait a year your child will be on top of the class next year!  Unless your child is very social, and seems ready I would wait.  But since you even have the thought of waiting, it sounds like you are already feeling hesitant.  Good luck.

  8. My dd's birthday is Feb. 28 and the cut off was March 1. We decided to wait. Intellectually, she would have been ready, but she was very tiny for her age and so we decided to wait. Dd's best friend's birthday, however, is Feb. 21 and her parents sent her anyway, so they are about one year apart in age, but in the same grade. Both girls are succeeding and doing very well.

    I don't think there can be any one answer to your question as it depends on the readiness of the child. Some would be ready, some would be better off waiting. You have to do what works best for your child and your family.

    You might check: in some states and provinces your child will be sent to grade 1 anyway as children are placed by their birthdate, whether you've decided to wait or not.

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