
Having a boyfriend throughout college?

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What's everybody's opinion on dating your high school significant other in college? I love my boyfriend, we've been dating for two years, but some of my friends have been telling me that college is a time to let go and enjoy yourself. My boyfriend has told me that he wants to marry me, and well I can SEE that happening if we stay together, but sometimes I just want to be like **** it and experience something new. Is it worth it to leave someone you love to see what else is out there? I know the answer sounds so obvious, well if you loved someone you wouldn't say that, but i'm just curious.




  1. Ah! I'm in the same situation. I've been dating my bf for two years too! We definently love each other. But its obvious we want different things in college. I really want to meet as many people as I can and maybe rush a sorority. My boyfriend is not so social and I just don't really want him to hold me back. I don't want to lose him though. We talked about it and we are going to break up when we go and then after a month see what we feel. Obviously if it is love... in the long run all will work out. Not to mention he is living a floor above me! I'm sure I'll see him.  

  2. no opinion, but have you seen Aubrey O'Day.  She's hot

  3. First off i am currently dating  a 24y/o and she has a 4 y/o daughter, we have been together for about 13 months, through the good and the bad. i'm 21, just turned in april, and i wouldn't stop being with her to go clubing and to date other females. it all comes down to wether or not you really love him, if you do then stay with him through college, have children and live happily together. if not leave him and go be promiscuous.

  4. u have no idea how hard is it to find someone who truly loves u.

    u will probably win $1 in Deal or No Deal

  5. THE question is do u love him if you do then tell your friends to leave you the heck alone

  6. If your friends want to try to control the way you handle your love-life then tell them to **** off and leave you alone. Real friends will support your idea all the way through your relationship with him. Sometimes i've felt that way. like when I don't have a boyfriend then no guy hits on me and i feel miserable but when I have a boyfriend guys hit on me all the time and I just feel like  leaving him for someone else. but at the end of the day when everything is over sometimes just hearing his voice makes me remember why i love him so much. also, college is the hardest time to stay together in a relationship with someone because you are so focused on your studies but you guys have bee together that long then that truly means that you guys have a connection and why should you waste that?

  7. college is the place to meet and experience new people and places but that doesnt mean you have to sleep with everyone.  You can keep your boyfriend and still have a lot of fun in college.  UNLESS you want to dump him in that case in college once dumped couples rarely get back together because there are too many other young hott bods everywhere(u know what i mean)!!  

  8. You are too young to wonder "what if"?  I would just try a month apart to date different people and be single and then see how you both feel.  Life's 2 short to wonder.

  9. I don't think it's worth it (breaking up I mean) but most people like to experience in college so it would probably be very hard for you...but I do know some people who have made it through HS and college...I hope you make the right decision!

  10. Hmmm this is a tough one but the only thing i could tell you is to listen to your heart not to other people, but if you want advice i guess if you break up your boyfriend to have a different experience in college it sounds kinda selfish don't you think? but i cant judge you just by reading what you wrote. Do what's best for you and your boyfriend, follow your heart.  

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