
Having a child who is sick.....?

by Guest66478  |  earlier

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My child has been sick for a few days and the germs are lurking everywhere in this house. Everything must be disinfected and sanitized and cleaned. I picked up his meds from the doctor today and his dosage calls for 1 pill now, and then another in two weeks. The pill now flushes his body of the bacteria that are currently there, and the pill in two weeks kills anything left. So in the mean time, how do I do the sanitizing?? In what order should this be done?? Clean first, then meds...or meds, then clean?? I am afraid of going in circles, because he will be touching everything in the mean time. I am going to use the Disinfectant spray for everyday use to kill the germs after a throurough cleaning....but exactly how long does this last? Does it kill everything on contact for 24 hours? I know I am overanalyzing this, but he has been sick 3 times before and it is a very vicious cycle for him. I need to make sure I am sanitizing properly.




  1. i would give the toilets and baths the first priority aften giving your son the meds, as this is where most germs lurk.

    after that, just do the bedroom, lounge and kitchen,then the 2nd lot of meds.

  2. Just Lysol everything

  3. I was a germ-o-phobe with our first.....the Lysol disinfectant spay (on direct surfaces) and Oust by SCJ (air nutrualizer) are both good sprays to have on hand.

    I'd do one round of disinfecting a day for the first couple days, then do a courtesy spray in a week or so.  Spary things like doorknobs, faucet handles, do a quick spray in his room and over the toys.

    If you're worried about bedsheets and clothes, wash in hotwater and that should take care of it.  Make sure that everyone has clean hands as well.  That's the main way how germs are spread.  If he's allowed outside, that's always a good option as well.

  4. Wash sheets and clothing in hot water--you need to give him the pill first, then wait a day before cleaning. You want the pill working in his system before cleaning or you'll just have to do it over and over again. Then, make sure everything's vacuumed and cleaned.

  5. It is not a good idea to steralize too much, because then your child will get sick because they have not been exposed to enough germs. I would talk to your child's doctor to find out how clean you need to keep things.

  6. Keep on sanitizing the house!

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