
Having a coffee meltdown....?

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I'm around 5 or 6 weeks pregnant and I've read that coffee/caffeine can cause miscarriage. I have such a headache! I know it's from missing my cup of coffee in the morning. Any suggestions?




  1. you can drink pepsi that's okay .

    my mom drank that almost everyday when she was pregnant

    with me and it turned out fine!

    Pepsi has caffeine in it but it isn't as strong but it will sure settle your

    caffeine prob. And besides the point when you most likely to have a miscarriage is at likw 3 weeks so your good!

  2. You can still have 1 or 2 cups a day.  

  3. drink has like 2 percent will help...or ibuprofen...that should help with the pain...

  4. When pregnant you are usually allowed to 300mg caffeine per day (this includes chocolate and all other products that contain caffeine, tho), which means ONE coffee once in a while probably won't hurt.

    Stress would probably me even more bad for your health then the coffee itself...

  5. There have been a lot of studies done on this. Some show that a little coffee in moderation is fine (no more than three cups a day) ... while others say that you shouldn't have any.

    It's the caffeine in the coffee that's bad, not the cofee itself.

    Try some decaf. =)

    Here's a link that has more info! =)  

  6. The headache is from this your right.  But you can have coffee, I have 1-1.5 cups a day.  There are sooo many other things out there that have way more caffine than coffee, and some of them may be in your diet and you don't realize it.  A bit will be fine for you.

    Oh and ibuprofin is the WORST advice I've seen on here yet.  Not that or aspirin, only tylenol (off brand is okay too).

  7. Try taking a nap or eat chocolate. I have heard that to when I was in my first trimester someone said that it can harm the baby but when my head would hurt bad enough I would have 1/2 or a cup and I have a very healthy baby. Headache go away so it is up to you. Good luck and congrats!!!  

  8. You can still have coffee!! Doctors say no more than 1-2 cups a day or under 300mg of caffiene is fine!

    Playaninstrument- ARE YOU INSANE? You can't have ibuprofen during pregnancy. Please don't answer a question when you don't know what you are talking about.

  9. Have the coffee

    1 cup is usually fine.  If you really want to not use any caffeine, withdraw  a little slower - have 1/2 cup regular, 1/2 decaf, and keep increasing until you have a full cup of decaf.  

  10. *smiling* You are going through caffeine withdrawal. You drink Starbucks coffee don't you? After I find out I was preg. during my first pregnancy, I suffered from that. I drank doppios b/c I had to work at 6 am. You will be fine through time. I applaud you for not drinking caffeine. Some ppl think it is harmless but little do they know they are drinking decaf b/c Baristas don't feel comfortable giving prg. women caffeine. It will go away in about a month. Good luck mommy.

    As long as it is not Starbucks coffee, then take your time. Starbuck's decaf coffee has strong amounts of caffiene in it.

  11. drinking coffee will not cause a misscarriage, driking to many isnt good for you anyhow, but they say 1-2 a day of like coffee or pop wont hurt anything, you should check with your doctor! and if its the taste and you are concerned try decalf!

  12. Drink a cup of coffee!!!! My midwife (when I had my kiddo) said it is fine to have some caffeine and it is better to have a little caffeine then to go into withdrawal.  

  13. Have you tried mixing decaf with regular?  Slowly eliminate the regular from your mix and just be on decaf.  I did this for the first week or so, but then coffee just turned my stomach after, so I quit entirely.

  14. Do not take ibuprofen...only take Tylenol or acetaminophen. You are not supposed to take ibuprofen while pregnant. You can try decaf but you don't have to avoid caffiene all together while being pregnant, though you should limit it. Try not to drink more than 2 cups per day.

  15. Most doctors say one cup of coffee a day is fine. If worried try decaf or maybe a red tea. Red tea is naturally decaf and comes in french vanilla flavor which is really good.  

  16. I was having headaches to in the beginning of my pregnancy. But you will have them do to change in hormones not because of no caffeine. However I have a small cup 4 oz of coffee maybe once a week and have since I found out I am 30 weeks now and my baby is fine.

  17. It is ok to have a cup of coffee.  I have had four babies.  My first pregnancy was perfect - I followed every rule - and my daughter ended up having birth defects and passed away.  My fourth daughter I drank coffee every day and she is perfectly healthy.  What I do know is that the most important part of a baby's development happens in the first trimester.  That is also when miscarriage is the most likely to happen. So if this is your first pregnancy it is a good idea to be cautious since you don't know how your body handles pregnancy.  I am lucky enough to have great pregnancies.  When I was pregnant with my 3rd daughter I read about the study that was done in europe regarding caffeine.  That study was done with excessively strong coffee and the women drank at least one whole pot of coffee a day.  I don't drink coffee that strong or that much of it.  If you switch to decaf maybe your headaches won't go away right away but you'll still feel like you are drinking coffee.  Do your own research.  Good luck.

  18. Make a list of your worries (include the coffee) and ask.

    I'd REALLY avoid it!!!!!!!! Trust me if the baby lives it might have learning problems.


    "Normally you have to cut down or even cut out caffeine while pregnant. Your doctor is the best judge of this. Coffee has more caffeine per serving than any other drinks. Yes, that even means more than energy drinks.

    Be aware that decaffeinated is not caffeine free. You may want to ask your doctor about that too. Teas and coffee naturally have caffeine in the plant so they remove most of it but not all of it. That is why they are labeled decaffeinated. Drinks like sodas or energy drinks that say caffeine free mean that no ingredients in it naturally have caffeine and since no caffeine is added then it is caffeine free."

    1 day ago




    This looks cute.

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