
Having a family reunion ~ family has a lot of drama, how can I bring them all together?

by  |  earlier

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I'm having a family reunion and sending out the invites in a few days. My grandma asked me to organize one because my grandfather died a month ago and she's heartbroken over how at the funeral no one would talk to eachother. Theres some drama between almost everyone and I'm going to include a letter in all the invitations basically saying that they all have to come together for my grandma and how they have to come to the reunion. you know, no excuses like joes not coming cuz aunt sally is coming and he owes her money, etc.... lol I NEED HELP WRITTING THIS LETTER! any ideas help!




  1. Briefly make a list of short words - what you want to say in the letter.

    Re-write the list in the order that you want to say things.

    Check that everything is in that you want to be in.

    Write your letter as briefly as you can but with compassion too.

    Then, sit back & wait for the replies.

    One thing for sure, no-one could hav tried harder. Good Luck. UK

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