i'm skinny. and if you saw me you would think that i had a flat stomach. here's the problem MY STOMACH DOESN'T LOOK GOOD IN A BIKINI ! i have this little, tiny tiny pouch and it has almost id say a wrinkle? its gross. I'm not active anymore, but i do 100 sit ups per night. my legs seem flabby too me. i also wanna ask, i didn't get my period (no I'm not 11 12 13, etc/ its just late) does my body hold a certain amount of weight until i get it? I'm five foot, and 113 pounds -_- my metabolism is just a tad above normal.
any suggestions to get a tight stomach?
and answer my period question please.
i don't want to see any of 'wow that's extremely skinny you need to eat' ' you shouldn't care some would die to be 113' and especially i don't wanna see ' your fat'
i couldn't care less about those. JUST ANSWER WHAT I'M ASKING OR YOU GET A THUMBS DOWN ;D