
Having a incinerator for energy is it good or bad?explain?

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a landfill and incinerator is going to be built on my Island called Guam?would the island have problems in the future.need to know because going to have a town meeting.please answer.

or can you give some site to look at and is there any health problem in all this.




  1. NO!!!!!!! incinerators they give out the bad pollution into the air.

    burning rubbish in back yards has been banned in Australia for years.

    For energy I woulds strongly advise solar you would just about cover most of you roof with panels to collect energy you just need to go learn how to harness it with truck batteries.

    If you haven't built yet try looking for a green house you wont need power at all as you will get it free from the sun

  2. You should search for the words "Waste to energy" and "trash incineration" on a search engine.   That way you'll get much more comprehensive information.  If you are going to speak in the town meeting, either for or against this proposition, you'll want to write down exactly where you got your information.  Try to use only reliable sources.   Many studies have been done, both for and against, using trash to produce energy - studies that are more reputable than "I read it on YahooAnswers."

    It's true that burning trash can put pollutants into the air.   The amount of pollutants can be controlled, and in most waste-to-energy plants there are very large systems to remove almost all the pollutants from the exhaust.   In the continental US, there would likely be no visible smoke from the smoke stack, however, and most folks who live near a waste-to-energy facility are unaware of it being near them.   I'm not sure what Guam's regulations are, or whether the US EPA regulates in Guam.  You'll certainly want to look into that.

    You will want to make certain, if this plant goes ahead, that it is well-regulated, and that pollutant levels are kept to a minimum.  The biggest health concerns are heavy metals (such as mercury and lead) and dioxins and furans.

    It's also true that burying trash can cause pollutants to leach out into ground water.   Landfills also take a LOT of space, and incinerators reduce the size of the waste to about 10% of its original volume.

    Unfortunately, you need to do something with your waste.  While waste-to-energy is not the best way to produce electricity, it may not be a bad way to get rid of trash.  

    Being on an island, your options are limited.  Neither burying it nor burning it are completely clean methods of disposal, but a very popular third option - sending to somewhere else so it becomes someone elses problem - will be quite expensive in Guam.  At this point, until we can recycle 100% of what we use, we have no completely clean ways to dispose of our waste.  

    Good luck!

  3. a landfill and incinerator is going to be built on my Island called Guam?would the island have problems in the future.need to know because going to have a town meeting.please answer.

  4. lol, that is very bad.

    The smell, the ugly site and smoke, possible health problems.

  5. Incinerators produce a lot of pollution, which lowers city aura.

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