
Having a kidney biopsy?

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I am going into hospital on Monday to have a kidney biopsy. How painful is this and how long does it take to recover please.




  1. you may be a bit sore for several days. From what I hear it is painful but only for a few seconds, then it is a dull pain that is leftover.

    Here's your perfect guide for the procedure :

  2. The one I had was not painful at all.  Pressure, no pain.

    Local anesthetic.  I drove myself home.

    Little back pain that night. Tylenol cured that.

    Recovery was one day at the most.  

    Mine was "outpatient".  They did it at the hospital, but I didn't have to stay.  Actual procedure took about 15 minutes; needed about 2 hours to wait on doctor, though . . .

    Results didn't turn out so good, though. "Necrotising Nephritis" or something like that -- my kidneys are dying.  I'm getting ready for dialysis.

  3. Mine did not hurt...I was not allowed to eat for some hours before. I think it took around 20-30 minutes.

    They smeared jelly on my back and stomach and did an ultra sound similar to when a pregnant woman has a scan to see a baby is ok and the actual Biopsy, I felt nothing and only heard a small click. I could see no mark of a puncture and assume the piece taken was very small.

    You'll feel a little uncomfortable for a day or two only because of the pressure the technician uses when pressing the probe across your body and it's muscles(then again the equipment has improved and the definition of images)so that may no longer be the case. The jelly is sometimes cold when first applied.

    It was not too bad at all.

    If you want to hear what it's like to prepare yourself...go online to the BBC website and look for Case Notes on the IPlayer and this week's topic was Kidney problems and it included a kidney scan(it's available until 1st September 2008)also available as a podcast.

  4. Biopsy and fluorescence microscopy are key in the diagnosis of alterations of renal function.

    For renal biopsy, relative contraindications include bleeding diatheses, a solitary kidney, and an uncooperative patient. Mild preoperative sedation with opioids and  atropine may be needed. Complications include severe renal bleeding requiring transfusion or even surgical intervention.

  5. It will be done by a needle aspiration, meaning they will insert a needle and draw out some of your kidney cells, they will prob give u a local anesthetic, and it shouldnt take too long to recover at all! good luck  

  6. I had one some years ago. They take three samples maybe four. I was conscious and on my stomach and they use a local anaesthetic and the greatest discomfort was that I had to ask for a paper handkerchief or something because

    I was slobbering all over the place. I have no idea how long it took but possibly no more than 30 minutes. Having to stay in bed and on my back for 24 hours was a bit boring and I had to "do Ia deal"  to sit up to eat a meal. truly so far as pain is concerned there is nothing to it, i've benn more hurst at the dentist.  Best wishes hope the results are OK      

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