
Having a panic attack over my dentist appt today.... possible cavity or cracked tooth...

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For two days now, I've had a lot of pain in one of my teeth on the upper right side of my mouth. It's when I bite down (even just to close my mouth-- without food), drink something really cold, or touch it with my tongue. I'm not entirely sure which tooth it is, but I have a filling in that general area. I'd gotten a cavity from my braces about 6 years ago and they filled it (the blackish filling, not white). Is it possible that the same cavity got worse? Or that maybe my tooth chipped? I ate some dry roasted almonds as a snack the other day and that's when it started hurting, but it might not necessarily be from that. I eat almonds all the time b/c they're high in protein.

I have regular dental exams & x-rays every 6 months, most recently in April. I brush my teeth at least 3x a day. All I drink is water and milk. I take a Flintstones Complete vitamin every day. I don't drink sodas or chew gum or eat candy....

I just need to know what to expect at the visit today. If it is a cavity or something, can they give me the gas or just put me to sleep instead of giving me novacane?.... I HATE novacane....




  1. Well yesterday I went to my second dentist appointment in YEARS.

    Seriously, I have NEVER gone to a dentist.

    Ask them to put some  numbing gel  and the gas machine.

    Chances are they will probably do it anyway.

    I got the gel, the gas and then an injection! And I didn't even feel a pinch or anything.

    I was so drowsy and sleepy that I didn't even feel if I was asleep or awake!

    My mom was giggling the whole time watching me practically fall asleep! LOL

    Don't worry I was having a panic attack too yesterday, I  was freaking out and hyperventilating. Even the dentist had to measure my blood pressure twice.

    Good luck! :)

  2. Sounds like the classical symptoms of cracked tooth syndrome.  The treatment is usually root canal and crown.  Cracked teeth are very difficult to treat because of the symptoms.  Don't worry about getting numb.  The anesthetics nowadays are awesome.  Dentistry is very painless, even root canals.  

  3. today i went in for a frenectomy (oral surgery) and i had novacane, but i didnt feel it at all, because they gave me this mint-flavored topical gel on the area of where the needle would go it, i couldnt feel the needle one bit, so ask for a topical numbing gel first.

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