
Having a show - less than 36 weeks.?

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I'm normally the first person to jump when someone posts the same question twice, so I really must apologise because I did ask this yesterday. I'm just hoping that maybe I'll get more answers this time! Sorry, sorry, sorry... I'm a hipocrite...

Anyway, I'm about 351/2 weeks gone and yesterday I had a show. It wasn't blood streaked, but was def the mucous plug - won't go into the gory details out of respect for those who eat their cereal at the computer! We had just been to London doing the tourist thing for a couple of days and did loads of walking (a bit too much, to be honest), so could that have caused the show to appear early? I also lost a little more this morning that may have been pink-stained, but as it was about 6am, I couldn't be sure as my brain doesn't seem to work much at that time.

Anyway, I'd just like to know how long it was for people between the show appearing and labour? I'd especially like to hear from second time mums (I was induced with my first, which is why I'm a bit clueless about this), and from mums who had their show as early as me. I'm hoping baby doesn't arrive too early but also hoping I don't go 2 weeks overdue this time too!

Many thanks in advance for your answers.




  1. I lost my mucus plug 9 days before I had my baby. You can lose it up to 2-3 weeks before labor. But the morning that I went into labor, the first thing that happened after mild contractions began was I lost another mucus plug (yes, they can grow back). If you had an internal exam recently, that can agitate the plug and make it come loose. I think that is why I lost it the first time.

  2. you can be dialated quite a few weeks before labour starts ,take it easy and get some legs up rest ...but if you do start labour your baby has a good chance of being just fine try to relax ,any pain go see a doctor ...

  3. Hi.  I was induced with my first so I understand where your coming from as you don't know what to expect with this one.  When I had the show with my second, I had already had a few twinges and once it appeared, the twinges started getting stronger and stronger.  My husband called the hospital (that's what we were told to do when the show appeared) and they said to keep an eye on the contractions and when I wanted to go in, to call them and let them know.  

    That happened late morning / early afternoon and we called the in laws, as they were babysitting for us, at 11 pm as they had an hours drive.  When they got here and after a few more contractions we left them, we went to hospital and the second was born three hours later.

    I would suggest that if your able to call your midwife, call her and explain the situation.  She can then tell you what to expect but please be aware, everybody is different.  

    If you're not able to call the midwife and if your going into hospital to give birth, give them a call and see what they say.  They may say come on in and we can have a look so you both know roughly what's happening.  

    Good luck and hope all goes ok.  By the way, we were told that walking helps get the baby moving and can make giving birth easier as they are pointing down and gravity is helping out.  

  4. When you start loosing your plug it can be a range from weeks till days till you go into labor. I know not much help but I would call your doctor and ask about it just to be sure.  

  5. This might be a little TMI , but i had a VERY bloody show at 34 weeks, went to the hospital , they said everything was fine, only 1 cm dilated, & i have been for weeks after that. My first baby was 12 days "late" & i didn't have a show at all with her, & they broke my waters in hospital ,

    with this one i keep getting some blood streaked discharge (& even regular contractions) , but it isn't going anywhere.

    This answer probably doesn't help you, but i thought i'd say it anyway.

    good luck with the baby!

  6. Oh  I happened to be eating my cereal when I read this..spooky to say the least.   I also had the same problem and went to the hospital slowly very slowly in the car (this happened years ago) and I was kept in and told I had a placenta praeva which might break anytime and cause the baby and myself considerable distress so they kept me in and my placenta did break and my baby was born two months early so ...if I were you....I would either get onto NHS Direct (Tel. 0845 4647) or go immediately to the hospital ....very very slowly.   Good luck  

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