I'm normally the first person to jump when someone posts the same question twice, so I really must apologise because I did ask this yesterday. I'm just hoping that maybe I'll get more answers this time! Sorry, sorry, sorry... I'm a hipocrite...
Anyway, I'm about 351/2 weeks gone and yesterday I had a show. It wasn't blood streaked, but was def the mucous plug - won't go into the gory details out of respect for those who eat their cereal at the computer! We had just been to London doing the tourist thing for a couple of days and did loads of walking (a bit too much, to be honest), so could that have caused the show to appear early? I also lost a little more this morning that may have been pink-stained, but as it was about 6am, I couldn't be sure as my brain doesn't seem to work much at that time.
Anyway, I'd just like to know how long it was for people between the show appearing and labour? I'd especially like to hear from second time mums (I was induced with my first, which is why I'm a bit clueless about this), and from mums who had their show as early as me. I'm hoping baby doesn't arrive too early but also hoping I don't go 2 weeks overdue this time too!
Many thanks in advance for your answers.