
Having a sweet sixteen?

by  |  earlier

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i want it to be amazing!

i just went to one and everyone had to wear black and the birthday girls wore pink.

what are some really cool things we can do at it?

i know have food, wear dresses and have a dj.

what else.

super coool. but not so expensive




  1. Have a tight and bright theme.

    Everyone comes wearing tight and very very bright clothing, which is not only amusing but makes you definitely stand out.

    Have awesome colorful foods and some awesome games with good music and you have a good party!

    To go with the bright theme for food try fairy bread , fairy floss, toffee , colored fizzy drinks!

    Go crazy!

    An 18 year old friend had a tight and bright party and it was so fun :)

  2. A cool invitation idea. A faded picture of you in the back, and writing over it.

    As for the party, food, dresses, DJ... that's all I can think of. Sorry, haha.  

  3. i had a sweet sixteen it was AMAZING my theme was pretty in pink

    rent a place

    then pick a theme and go all out on it and get a lot of decorations

    for mine

    no one was allowed to wear pink and i made my candles wear white

    just be creative!!

  4. Buy a bunch of black lights, turn all the lights of and black lights on, and pass out glowsticks/ glow jewlery/ glow makeup for everyone to use! (can be bought at a party store)

    You can do the color thing to, where everyone has to wear white or black except the birthday girl. Or have boys wear one color and girls another.

  5. Me n my friends are going paint balling ;)  

  6. have glow sticks

    you have to be the center of attention and wear something bright and amazing

    make a dance of some sort

  7. make it a theme party...

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