Like it says, downstairs I have a wired modem connected to a wireless router. Upstairs I have a pc and xbox 360 that recieve wireless signal but it is rather horrible. I've gotten a larger antenna but that did not help much, and I don't really want to replace my whole wireless network with wireless-n cards, routers, etc.
What I would like to do is have some kind of WAP or range extender in the room upstairs, that communicates with the wireless router downstairs. I'm wondering if there are any devices like this that also act as a switch (like a wireless router) so I can place it next to my pc upstairs and just run ethernet cables directy from my pc to the access point. Can you do this? Any suggestions on products?
Once again to clarify, I am looking for a device that will wirelessly communicate with a wireless router, that also includes a switch so I can connect wired devices such as pc and xbox to it. I know of range extenders, etc. but all the stuff has me a little confused.