
Having another baby is on my brain....Wont go away,what to do?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my husband have a 16 month and the last two months i keehopingng i dont start my period i just keep really wanting another baby and i know mhusbandnd would like to wait about another year so i really dont want to tell him because then he will be like ok so lets try and only doing it because i want another one its just so big to me because i want my kids to be close like me and my brother we were, 2 yrs and 2 days apart....every THOUGHT is baby baby baby. And i dont want him to be too pushed because were only 22 well both be 23 in a few months....IDK anyone else feeling like this...? And dose anyone have experiencece with haveing kids 2yrs apart is it ok? did your toddler understand? i DO NOT want to make my son feel left out




  1. young mom in USA this day and time is difficult life. Wait until you have more money and education. Very very unlikely for 23 year olds to be WELL OFF money wise. lol.

  2. why don't you both compromise and start trying again in 6 months. remember it can take a bit of time to conceive, even if you already have a baby!  

  3. I now how you feel. I just had my second baby and I'm only 20. I was nervous to tell my hubby that I wanted another one and soon. I thought he would feel like he was wasting his young years on babies. When I finally talked to him about another one he understood. So just tell your husband how you feel.

  4. Have it pierce a hole in the condom and baam wham thank you mam'

  5. If you can't be honest with your husband, you shouldn't be having kids.  Just talk to him.  Just say that you'd like to have another right away and explain your reasoning.  Then you both can come up with a compromise.

  6. tell your husband the part about having the kids close together! he'll surely agree with you on that!

  7. I think giving your child a sibling close in age is one of the best things for a child!!  My kids are 2 years 2 months apart and at times I wish they were even closer!  They are best friends (now 4 1/2 boy and 2 1/2 girl) and they play really well together.  I felt bad at times during my pregnancy - not wanting to take time away from my son once the baby came, but he has loved her since day one and they have been great for each other!

  8. I think that's fine when there closer in age group they will be closer.  

  9. have another baby


    or just tell him after all he is your husband you are soposed to be able to tell him anything and everything

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