
Having another child???

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I am 24 years old. I know I want another child. I only want two kids. I have a daughter that is 19 months old. I am getting married next September. My daughter will be almost 3. I don't know if it's too soon. I either have them 31/2 years apart or wait till my daughter is in school to try. What I am asking is if someone can find articals or give me a pro's and cons list please. I can't decide




  1. I have two daughters almost exactly three years apart and I personally love it. The oldest was potty trained and able to do lots of things on her own and she helps me alot. Since she is a girl she seems to be really mothering towards her little sister. That's my two cents. Good Luck.

  2. I think 31/2 years is a nice age gap. My 2 eldest have that age gap and if was great; to far a part and they will have trouble connecting with each other becaue there interests will be very different.

  3. My kids are all very close, and I like it that way.  We didn't quite plan it that way, but I'm happy with how it worked out.  There are about 20mos between the first two and 12mos between the last two.  

    Pros of having them close:

    *play well together

    *common interests at the pool, playground, etc

    *you are still in the baby/little kid groove

    *you usually have most of what you need

    Cons of having them close:

    *younger child might not understand/might be jealous

    *hard to wrangle several young kids for outings

    *tired all the time

    Pros of spacing them:

    *older child can help

    *older child might understand better

    *easier to do things when the older child can do so much for him or herself

    Cons of spacing them:

    *you get out of the baby groove and some parents say it's an adjustment to go back to diapers, waking up at night, etc

    *you might need to get baby stuff again

    *they may not play as well together or be as close as children (although that often changes later on)

    Those are just a few - there are plenty more pros and cons for each.

    Here are some articles I found:

  4. my mother wanted a girl and a boy she had me then had my brother 3 yrs later she said it was the perfect distance apart. when one becomes and adult u still have 3 yrs with the next one which is perfect bc u dont want much more than that lol and u dont want much less...shes a happy camper

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