
Having babies after age 30?

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Why are there some women who are totally against having babiest after age 30? I met a young lady yesterday with 2 kids and she hopes to have a third child in the next few years which will make her still in her 20s. She says she's definitely NOT having any children after age 30. Is it really unhealthy?




  1. I have never worked that one out ,i think what ever age you are ,it does not matter i am 33 as of yesterday and pregnant with my third ,it would of made no difference to me whether i had mine in my 20s 30s or 40s

  2. I don't think she was "against" it, but she just wanted to be done having babies early. Everyone has there right time to have kids. Some people start young (like me) and are done well before their 30's (me again). Others don't start until their 30's. Then, there are those who spread their kids out more and have them on their 20's and 30's. It just up to the couples really....

  3. I think it's better to have kids young. NOT Like I mean maybe early 20's or even 18. I'm 18 and have a 3 yr old son and we are having another baby then trying for twins about a year after our baby is born this time. I don't think anything wrong with having a baby in your 30's...but I don't want to be 45 and my kid 18...that's a little old in my opinion..i want to be able to do everything physical like hiking, running, jogging, etc with my kids at any age. Altho i know i wont be able to do EVERYTHING when I start getting older...but still :) We plan on having kids into our 30's. I just think being young and a parent you have more energy and you aren't as .. ermm.. up tight about certain thing...sorry but I've seen 18yr old moms, 20yr old moms, 26 yr old moms..then the ones over 30..and they just seem a little more uptight and not so open to certain things.

  4. your chances of complications do increase after youre in your 30s but it is still extremely easy to have a healthy baby. my mother had me when she was 33 and my younger sister when she was 36. she did have complications with my sister with blood cell counts but she turned out to be completely healthy

  5. Some women are "against" babies after 30 just as some women are "against" babies before 25.  Risks do increase after the age of 30 and even more so after the age of 35, but its not necessarily "unhealthy".  I'm sure the young lady that you met didn't mean her comment in a negative or condescending way.  Its just her personal preference on the matter.  We all have our own "right time" to have children.  For some women, they can't imagine having children after the age of 30 for multiple reasons other than health risks.  It doesn't necessarily mean they are "against" it though, it just means its something they wouldn't do.  Its just their opinion.  That's all.

    *Wow.  Where did you come up with that?!  No one even said anything about mother's in their 30's putting their kids in daycare.  That's a very incorrect (and dare I say ignorant) generalization of 30-something mothers.  I thought you said you didn't have such "strong opinions".  That statement doesn't even have anything to do with your original question.

  6. My husband and I just had our first baby and I turned 30 a month later.  I certainly don't feel "old" or have any health problems either.  We are actually wanting another child very very soon...personally I'm glad I was this age rather than get knocked up as a teen.  I had time to find the right man before starting a family and I am very greatful for that.

    Edit:  I wasn't implying that you were talking about teenage pregnancy...I was just giving the reason I am happy about being a mother over 30.

  7. No, it is NOT unhealthy to have babies in your 30's.

  8. Actually until the age of 35 the age of the mother is not considered a risk, after that the age is a risk factor.

    In women older than 35, the incidence of preeclampsia is increased, as is that of gestational diabetes, dysfunctional labor, abruptio placentae , stillbirth, and placenta previa.  These women are also more likely to have preexisting disorders (eg, chronic hypertension, diabetes). Because risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities increases as maternal age increases, genetic testing should be considered.

    But some women get pregnant after this age, but they have to get a more closer prenatal care to make sure everything is alright with her and the baby.

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