
Having breast implants and then having kids and breast feeding? What are the end results?

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I know it is safe now days to breast feed after having implants I just want to know what will happen to my b***s if I have implants and then have kids... will they stay perky and what not or will they sag even witht he implants in?




  1. It is usually possible to still breast feed with implants, but it can be more difficult. If breast feeding is something that is really important to you, then you may want to wait until after you have children to get the implants. But if you get them before having kids, the shape should not be effected by pregnancy or breast feeding.

    Good luck.

  2. Hello,

    It varies quite a bit. Some women like a little "sag" after breast feeding thinking it makes things look more natural. Others end up having more surgery to fix it.


  3. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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