
Having children right after each other? Do you recommend it? ?

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I understand the mayhem of having three little ones running around.. But what are the long-term pros of having children in the same age range?




  1. mine are 18 months apart in age and are best friends. I wouldn't have done it any other way.

  2. Mine are 22 months apart, boy and girl.  Not sure about long-term as we are only to 10 and 8 years old.  So far, I think it's working well, but I can see positives and negatives to both kids being close in age vs. far apart in age.  

    You can plan all you want, but sometimes life does not go according to plan, so learn to roll with the flow

  3. I didn't have much choice with my first because they are twins. My twins were 2 1/2 when my third child was born and my third was 3 when my 4th was born. Now they are 13, 13, 11 and 8. There are pros and cons to both I think. While my 13 yr olds get along pretty good with my youngest (5 yr age difference) they don't play together much and are at such different points it's hard to go do things they will all enjoy at the same time. Having twins has been hard financially because evertyhing is doubled. They just got braces and it was the national debt LOL. Over all I enjoy having them close in age. Even as close as mine were there is still a good age gap between my first and my last. If I had to do it all over again, I would still have my kids with-in three years of eachother.

  4. As a mom it's hard to have so many little ones running around.  If they are the same s*x, you use the hand me downs and don't have to save them so long.  A bonus for the kids is that they are close enough in age to have the same or similar interests.  Mine are 3 years apart and I think that's perfect.

  5. I can't really recommend it yet but my daughter is 5 months and 1 week old and I am 4 months and 1 week pregnant. Hopefully there are some pro's, most people I have asked have said when they are that close in age they grow up really close and are like best friends. I think it will be good because if we want to take a vacation to like disney world or something they will be about the same age so one isn't going to be "bored" of it, while they other is five and loves it. I already have all my maternity clothes and bottles and diapers, wipes, plus if I have them all now once I loose alll my pregnancy weight I won't have to put more back on and take it off again. I really don't think it has been to strenuous on my body, I am not anymore tired than I was with my fist pregnancy. I haven't gotten any morning sickness, and everything is great, and hopefully will work out great with my two little angels.

  6. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it or discourage it. It greatly depends on the mother/familial situation. For some families, it may be best to have children close together, if for no other reason than to get it out of the way. For some other families, it may cause financial distress to have babies back to back.

    For me, I didn't want children back to back. I never wanted to put my body through all that having children back to back would bring. With my first, I had gained over 70lbs and I eagerly wanted to go back to pre-pregnancy weight as soon as possible. Actually, at the time I had my first child, I didn't really see me having another period. I'm about 35wks pregnant right now with my second; my oldest is 9. This second one was a surprise because I was told by doctors several years ago that I couldn't get pregnant again. Even if I had a choice, I wouldn't have wanted my second one to come immediately after my first. I certainly wouldn't have waited this long, though.  

  7. I wouldn't.

    I have a little sister and two older brothers. We're all five years apart and it works out perfectly. We rarely ever argue, and my aunt has two daughters who are 13 months apart and constantly argue about whose clothes are whose, whose turn it is in the front seat, and little stuff like that. They're 13 and 14. I would highly not recommend it.

  8. Our children (3) were 11 & 15 months apart.  We had children late in life and we were running into biological time constraints.


    1. Kids will become very close.  Most likely they will have many of the same friends.  They watch out for each other and will "rat" each other out if they think it's for the good of the sibling.

    2. Pediatricians will be very familiar with you.

    3. They can help each other in school work.


    1. Two boys playing American Football at the same time.  One Linebacker and one defensive Halfback.  Twice the chance of getting injured.


    1. Save NOW...begin a parent you're dead broke...but save NOW.  3 kids in College at the same just can't imagine.

  9. The children can rely on each other more and they might be really close friends or they will hate each other for like stealing their boyfriend or girlfriend.

    My sister is a year older than me and we actually hate each other if that gives you any reference

  10. Well my siblings and I are all very close in age.  We fought alot growing up, but we also were able to do some activities together (such as ballet) and we also had some friends in common.  As adults we are very close.

  11. i haven't done this, but i don't think i could, i dont think my body would take it, it feels like it wouldn't x

  12. Here would be my pros.

    1. built in playmate

    2. You don't have to get out of baby mode and get used to not sleeping through the night all over again

    3. You don't have to pack away your maternity clothes and old toys

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