
Having groin pain and it then traverse to the hip bone. can any one help me?

by  |  earlier

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am having severe groin pain and it then traverse to the hip bone. and also ve pain in lower right abdomen. am suffering from this for the past 3 months.

I ve taken full abdomen ct scan everything is fine except mild enlargement of seminal vesicles. doctor gave antibiotics for it and rules out hernia.

can any one help me.




  1. There are several possibilities for what could be causing this such as a torn muscle around that area (an example only) or a problem with a pinched nerve in the spine (another example only).

    An MRI (another type of x-ray test) might be able to tell what is going on.  This test looks at the soft tissue around the abdomen and pelvic area to see if it shows something.

    I would also recommend getting another opinion, preferably from someone that does not share the same office of the doctor you currently go to, to see what they think could be going on.

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