
Having issue with name. Should i change it?

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My born-name is Standing Elk. I am 20 and live near the Boundary Waters, on a reservation. The others make fun of me, tell me the elk is no proud animal. I want to change my name something like Chris or Johnny, or Stanley. Any ideas?




  1. There is nothing better than having pride in your name and family. Who says the elk isn't proud? Haven't you ever seen a picture of an elk at dawn? It's the most majestic thing! I think that you should embrace the uniqueness of your name and the richness of your heritage. If you change it, you will just prove to the people that laugh at you that you are ashamed of it. I wouldn't recommend it. Who cares if your name is Slinking Ferret or Burrowing Hamster? Stand up and be proud of it. Hope I helped with the decision.

  2. If you like you name keep it... the heck with everyone else there are too many Chris, Johns and Stanlys

  3. Standing Elk is an awsome name.  The Elk is an great animal and a powerful totem.  In pre-Roman Germanic culture it has it's own magical rune symbol.  I don't know any of the Native North American myths about it but I bet there are some.   Do not change your name.  You may want a short nickname so that people can call you quickly.  'Stan' and  'Elk' both derive directly from your name.  "Buck" is a male Elk.

  4. You should hang out here in the genealogy area for a while, and just see HOW MANY persons will do anything to find or prove Native American ancestry.  Probably 1/2 of them or more, are wannabes.

    I respect that you don't like having persons make fun of you. My opinion (and that is all I can offer) is that I'd change my friends, instead of changing my name.  

    Or compromise? You can select a middle name that is more "standard", and use it.. without letting go of your real heritage.

  5. Standing-Elk, how cool is that.  Hon, I love your name.  

    Do not change it.  Be proud of your name.

  6. I actually like your name its different, I would love to have an original name I know like seven people with the same name as me. If anything keep your original name as a middle name. But if you do change it I like Johnny. But don't let anyone else decide for you, its your name!

  7. Okay I am sure that someone else may have told you this but, your name is the only thing that may make you different from others and when i read your name i liked it i think that it is pretty cool. also, you should NOT let others influence you. Lastly,  if your mom or dad  named you then I do not think that you should change it because at least you can say this is what my parent(s) named me but, if you really don't like your name then change it. (Here's a suggestion: Gavin.)

    ROCK ON!!!!!!!

  8. I think Standing Elk is a cool name, but it's only a small hassle to try an alias or nickname instead.  I know lots of people who tweak or translate their name to make it easier for school and work.

    Stanton Eric is a close match.

    (or Stefan, Stanford... Elke, Elliot, Ellis)

  9. Listen to the above answerers.  If I were to visit the BWCA, I would want a guide with a name like Standing Elk, not the average old Stanley.

  10. Stop listening to idiots. You don't want an ordinary name, your name is great. It is really something to have a great heritage as you and a name that shouts it out. Stand by your heritage and be proud, be proud of the name your parents gave you. Stand tall and brave like your ancestors, stand majestic like the Standing Elk you are named for and tell the others to go jump in the lake, scalp them or smoke the piece pipe with them, but stop listening to their nonsense.

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