
Having issues already with Elementary teacher ?

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My 5th grader has just started school again and has the same teacher she had in 2nd grade. Both my daughter and the teacher have personality conflicts and it is obvious they don't like each other. While I try to remain positive for my child's sake I can only go by what my daughter says happens at school. When I meet the teacher she is nice to both me and my child I don't think it is rather that the teacher is mean or that my daughter is misbehaving I think it is the teaching style. I do have a meeting with the teacher and the principal later this week but my question is this.

The teacher jumps around from subject to subject and talks about one thing then jumps to another then goes back. I have had teachers that did this, and I found it very hard to follow along. This teacher taught second grade and my daughter had hard times in her class and now 5th grade has her. Although today is just the 3rd day of school my daughter is having a hard time knowing whats going on. I fear it will only get worse. I requested a teacher change but they won't do that, that is why we are having a meeting.

Any suggestions on what to say at the meeting?




  1. Dare I say it, but it does sound like history repeating itself. Why wont they move her to another class? if not, why not? I would go further and ask if your daughter can have extra tutelage in evenings.

    If you don't get what you want for your daughter - whats your next step? I would tell them what you have stated here - go girl!!!  

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