
Having issues with friend?????

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What would you do if you had a friend who has 5 kids . Ages are 7,4,3,2 & 7 months old. & she NEVER puts any of them in car seats. She always holds her baby in the front with her when her & her boyfriend goes places. She lets them sit in the front with her they sit on the floor board. I know its not any of my business what she does with her kids but it makes me worry cause i care about all of them & what happens if they crash???. Sometimes she askes me for a ride But i tell her First she gotta put at least the baby in a car seat & she gets mad & says nevermind. i told her i did not want to get pulled over Because she doesnt know how to put her kid in a car seat or worst me crash & they get hurt badly. Am i in the wrong about this.???




  1. These children are at serious risk.  If she had a car accident and they were seriously injured you wouldn't feel so good knowing that you never spoke up on behalf of her kids.

    I have had the horrifying experience of seeing the results of someone having an accident when their child was not properly restrained.  Your friend would never forgive herself if she seriously injured, or even worse - killed, one of her children.

    You have spoken to her about it, and she's unwilling to put her children's safety first.  

    This may sound drastic and I'm expecting a fair few thumbs downs for this, but I would consider giving the cops a call and passing on her number plate or her boyfriend's number plate.  They will keep an eye out for her driving around without her kids being restrained.  Perhaps receiving a massive fine will be enough to snap her out of this selfish behaviour and put her kids safety first.

    As someone else said - if you have children NEVER let them go anywhere with her.  You'd feel even worse if your children were involved in the accident and you knew they were not going to be restrained properly before you let them go in the car with her.

    Best of luck.

  2. no you are not wrong about this, you should turn her in. If anything ever happens to one of her children. how would you feel if you knew you could've stop this from happening? think about the kids and their safety

  3. you did the right thing and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

  4. You are right but at the end of the day it,s her kids, she can

    do what she wants with them, you tried to tell her but she

    wouldn't listen, so if any thing does happen you

    tried your best............

  5. i think you are doing all you can. dont ever let her do that while you're driving - can you imagine having to live with it if something happened? but ultimately they are her kids and you can't do much more!

  6. It's not wrong of you wanting to have those kids safe.  It's very good of you.  But the better thing to do would be get those kids out of that house-friend or not.

    I'm sorry but your friend doesn't sound like much of a parent when she doesn't try to protect her children.

    Call CPS.  I hate to say it but she needs a real fast reality check.

  7. you should buy her car seats and tell her it's only cause you love her kids to death and if anything happened to them you would be very upset maybe she'd listen then

  8. stay out of it.  worry about your own kids...don't let her take yours with her.  if she needs a ride they are strapped in or no ride.  but there is nothing you can do.  when people tell me that I have to wear my seat belt in my car I usually reach accross them, open the door and say you don't need a ride with me. I've cut people out of my life because they harped on my wearing a seat belt and when they say I never hear from you anymore I tell them why.  expect that one day from your friend.

  9. No way if you do not want to put them babies in your car without carseats then don't...   What would happen if you had a accident and killed one of more of them, you would live with that and maybe she would blame you.  I would tell her though that you feel the kids are not safe with out them in her own car then drop it.  She is your friend and you can tell her what to do but you can over look her faults as a friend should...  However as I said don't do it yourself if you are not comforatble...

  10. Click it or ticket! That's a Britney Spears move right there. Just tell her that.

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