
Having last day garage sale..2.00 & 5.00 bags..advice..

by  |  earlier

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hi.thnx for looking.I hve seent his w. estate sales..and soem gargae sales yrs ago.I know they do it .I did pick up gallon bags, tall kitchen garbage bags. I want to get rid of everythign, and theres lots, but want to make something w. y last day..MY husband wants it ALL GONE.Only reason why I thogutht o do it this way to get rid ofeverything..

Any advice.. what happenes when something is way too big for the bag ? how can I handle making a deal w. someone.and is it OK to place a table w. the more expensive smaller things & write on there ."soprry, not included w. the fill up the bag option ". thnx in advance. have a great wknd. ~c




  1. Advertise it on craigslist "free" section in your city/state.

    My Best

  2. Don't give away your spell checker !

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