
Having my c section at 8 am and so scared cant sleep!!!!?

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My baby is breech and i have a c section in 9 hours and i cant sleep! This is my first baby and first surgery. I have never even had my tonsils out....Has any one gone through this? How did you get brave enough?? Please no horror stories.....




  1. yay congrats!!!!!! i am sure you are even more exited than you are nervous!!! i wouldnt be  sleeping either.  you should really try and get some rest though because you won't be getting any anytime soon.

    seriously i had a baby 11 1/2 months ago and have not had *one* night where i slept straight through... enjoy it as your last because in 6 months you will be wishing you did!!!

  2. hun i suffer from anxiety and had to have a cesar with my last bub but its not as bad as you might think most of the horror stories you hear are from women who went through the whole 9hours of labor but when its planned it runs allot smoother i no mine did they made me feel so comfy with the whole procedure you cant feel anything at all and your awake so you get to see bub right away and once bubs out it takes your mind of anything else going on cheers good luck and you will feel better if you get some sleep  

  3. Congratulations!

    Just remember to BREATH!

    don't stress out, and know that you and your baby are going to be okay.

    Think about it this time tomorrow you will have a sweet baby in your arms.

  4. I had a scheduled c-section when i had my daughter and i know exactly what you are going through. i couldn't sleep either, i was really nervous and excited about what was to come. you should try reading for a bit just to calm your nerves and relax maybe then you will be able to fall asleep. Good luck and Congrats!  

  5. Yay congrats !

    Try to relax..and don't worry everything will be fine..

    Good luck !

  6. Yay for you! Don't worry. You are going to have a beautiful baby in your arms today! Congrats!

  7. read some magazines,clean ur house and make sure u have everything ready for the'll b tired in a little bit & fall asleep for a couple hrs before u go.but tomorrow youre going to be sooooo tired!

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