
Having my tooth out tomorrow :(

by  |  earlier

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Ok im having a tooth out tomorrow, as the old crown in my tooth crumbled and ive now got to have the tooth out.

I went to have it out 2weeks ago but it wouldnt come out, so now tomorrow hes got to cut and drill it out and Im very scared.

Was just wondering if anyone else has had this done and whether the wound will heal quite quickly?

Ive then got to wait 6months for a bridge, does anyone know how much roughly it will cost?




  1. I had a tooth pulled out 2 weeks ago the dentist had to drill it out and split it in to 3 because the tooth cracked.

    There's nothing to worry about I hardly felt anything when I was given the injection.

    Any good dentist knows how to give injection without to my discomfort.

    Good luck hope evrything goes well

  2. well if he's cutting it it won't hurt as bad.

    it takes a few weeks, just make sure food doesn't get trapped down there.

    just make sure you get laughing gas to calm you. :)

  3. I have 9 teeth pulled out

    ouch it hurts

    but yours is slightly different so it probably wont be as bad but the sound of the drill eek

    well the injections are the worst part

    so get some laughing gas or numbing thingy before you have it

    it bleeds a lot when you have it pulled out soo it might with yours

    and will take a few days to heal and it kinda hurts to eat on that side so be warned. It should be fine and think you will be out before you know it.

    if they have a radio playing concentrate on that instead of the dentist cutting and drilling your tooth

  4. Firstly don't worry about tomorrow. With modern anaesthetics and dental techniques you will be ok

    The cost of a bridge varies according to which part of the country you are in and who does it.

    My local dentist charges £350 per unit. i.e. if you have two teeth missing and need the bridge from the teeth either side that is a four tooth bridge so 4 x £350 = £1400!!

    I now go abroad where my crowns and bridges are a third of the cost that I would pay in the UK

    Good luck tomorrow and don't worry.  

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