
Having problem with male rabbit. He pees just about anywhere in the house?

by  |  earlier

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male 2 and half-3 year old neutered rabbit pees just about anywhere in the house what can i do 2 stop him. Have a female rabbit similar age also been spayed but she uses the tray all the time, was the first rabbit in the house and they get along brilliantly, just this prob with the pee!! really doing my nut in need advice now before i have wabbit stew (only jesting) but please help




  1. he is marking his sent because he proubably wants to mate with the female rabbit. So you just need to spay it

  2. the problem is that he's in the house.  create a habitat for him outside which includes a covered litter box.  use clumping litter as it's easiest to scoop.

  3. just wondering if orange oil in stratigic points in the home will discorage this behaviour as it does with cats and dogs

  4. take his batteries out

  5. You should train it, i trained mine when we first got it (it was a baby then). Now it is 3 and he doesn't wee. TRAIN IT!

  6. pour vinegar where they pee, they hate the smell and wont pee there again in a hurry

  7. Use a seperate hooded litter tray and if the buck poos on  the floor put the poo in the hooded litter tray and put him in it straight away. He is pooing to mark his territory/show the other rabbit its his patch too. she has obviously claimed the one litter tray as her own.

    Another thing you can try if they are housed indoors is letting her out but kkeping him in so that when he does scent mark he is doing it in his bed and not on the floor. By doing this for a week with some rabbits it fixes in their brain that this is where they mess.

    The only other suggestion is exercise them outdoors in the garden.

  8. I think a trip to the vets I had an extremely clean male houserabbit then he started leaking urine, he looked ill one morn, when I got to vets it had been a bladder stone and it had moved down and got stuck in his p***s, too late and nothing could be done, was PTS  so please at least get him checked out................

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