
Having problems getting my board to get going....?

by  |  earlier

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As I start paddling and get up I seem to catch the wave wrong. I can surf really well and when I get going it's always the wrong wave. What's the best set and wave to catch? Also, need new surfing spots in San Diego........




  1. Best spot I've found is Law st in PB, but the locals are territorial fuc*mooks! as A woman it might be easier to get in, but watch your back. Some of these c*cks carry dive knives and find it funny to cut ur leash

  2. surf more

  3. It could be that you are too far back on your board when paddling for a wave - thus pushing too much water.  It could also be your board - a little more foam (longer, thicker, and maybe a little wider board) might help you out as well.  Also, make sure you are alternating your strokes and not doing the 'breast stroke' paddle.  Good luck.

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