
Having problems starting car the starter is sluggish battery good

by  |  earlier

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I have been having problems with my starter, i guess, I try to start it and it just is sluggish. I cleaned all my connections from the battery to the starter, and made sure everything was tight.. I have to jump it with my truck to get it to start... the battery is brand new meaning I just bought it last week and is checking out to be good.. the alternator is good.. It seems like the starter is just not getting enough juice...also after reconnecting my positive the starter started clicking and drained my battery..the key to the car was in my pocket?




  1. Disconnect the small wires from the solenoid and see if it's still shorted. It could have been the problem all along. You really need someone with a voltmeter to poke around while you're starting it. They could pinpoint the problem in 30 seconds.

    Starter motors do tend to get sluggish with age too, even if the battery, connections and solenoid are all good.

  2.    could be a worn bearing in the starter causing it to pole out.

       The other problem appears that you have the start wire and the battery

       + lead touching,probably where they connect on the starter.

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